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Jan 6 Weekly Meal Plan

Learn to Use Our Meal Plan Tool

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Welcome aboard if you’re new! Our meal planning tool is your personalized meal prep assistant –  you can tweak your serving sizes or skip some recipe options, it’s all in your hands! Our meal plans are meant to be a guide, so feel free to use all recipes or just a few to get you started!  Click on each recipe to learn more prep tips. Enjoy the meals at your pleasure, but here’s an example of how we plan out the meals during the week:


Scrambled Eggs with Pork CarnitasChili Steak Salad with Orange SalsaAir Fryer Orange Glazed Chicken with Broccoli
TuesCranberry Oatmeal Muffin BarsGrilled Ginger Lime Chicken Salad with Mango SaladInstant Pot Pork Carnitas
WedScrambled Eggs with Pork CarnitasChili Steak Salad with Orange SalsaAir Fryer Orange Glazed Chicken with Broccoli
ThursCranberry Oatmeal Muffin BarsGrilled Ginger Lime Chicken Salad with Mango SaladInstant Pot Pork Carnitas
The meal plans are designed to serve one person and account for 4 days. This is so that you can enjoy it at it’s best quality and also allows room for flexibility just in case you get takeout or eat out during the week.

Set Your Pace

  • If you’re a beginner at meal prep: Be prepared to set aside 2-3 hours. Once mise en place is complete, all of these recipes can be completed one by one.
  • If you’re a meal prep pro, use the sequenced steps below: These steps give you the flexibility to cook items simultaneously in a sequence of events.
  • Be sure to set timers and check on food items to avoid overcooking. Sequencing will save you time and meal prep can be done in 1-2 hours.

Meal Prep Run Down


  1. Gather and measure ingredients for all recipes. Chop vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Preheat the oven to 400°F and prep the air fryer to 360°F.
  2. Marinate proteins: Marinate the steak, chicken breasts, and chicken thighs for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Prepare equipment: Grease the baking dish for the muffin bars. Set up the Instant Pot for the pork carnitas.

Cooking Phase 1: Long-Cooking Items

  1. Instant Pot Pork Carnitas: Place pork shoulder and ingredients in the Instant Pot. Set it to cook for 45 minutes.
  2. Air Fryer Chicken Thighs and Broccoli: Start the air fryer with the marinated chicken thighs.
  3. Cranberry Oatmeal Muffin Bars: Mix up the batter while the chicken is in the air fryer and bake it in the oven.

Cooking Phase 2: Stove Tasks (while Instant Pot, Oven, and Air Fryer are working)

  1. Cook the scrambled eggs for the breakfast carnitas.
  2. Grill the steak and chicken for the lunch salads.

Final Steps:

  1. While the hot items finish cooking, prepare the salsas.
  2. Storage: When cooking is finished, plate everything up in containers, and let them cool before refrigerating.

If you’re sequencing your meal prep, be sure to keep an eye on everything! Make sure food is kept refrigerated under 40F degrees until ready to eat.

Assembly Tips

  • Evenly divide meals according to the serving size
  • Let all items cool before placing them in the refrigerator
  • Keep all items refrigerated under 40F until ready to eat or reheat
  • Breakfast: The breakfast potatoes can be reheated in the microwave.
  • Lunch: Both proteins for the salads can be reheated in the microwave. Serve the salads and salsa chilled.
  • Dinner: Both dishes can be reheated in the microwave

Extra Flavors and Substitutions

  • Pork: You can substitute with chicken if you don’t prefer to eat pork
  • Cranberry: Feel free to use your choice of fruit such as raisins or blueberries
  • Chicken: Replace with chicken breasts or chicken tenderloins for a leaner protein choice
  • Supplement meals with additional snacks such as fresh veggies and fruit for additional daily caloric needs. You can use lime/lemon and olive oil in place of salad dressing

Extra Leftover Ingredients Not Used

  • Protein: Freeze any uncooked meats and save for a later recipe, or you can cook the full amount, and freeze the portion that you do not eat, and save for later use.
  • Fruit: Use leftover fruit in smoothies, on top of yogurt, or with your cereal
  • Veggies: Freeze any leftover veggies for later use. Use leftover herbs in omelets or other dishes for the weekend

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