Dollar Store Food – Save on Meal Prep
Grocery prices are higher than ever and dollar store food shopping has gained a lot of popularity because of it. Not to mention the vast number of dollar store locations popping up around the US. These have become the convenient stores replacing gas stations and pharmacies for small to medium purchases. Dollar Store Food Quality…
Meal Prep vs. Meal Services: Benefits and How to Make the Most of Both
Pys blog – Meal Prep vs. Meal Services: Benefits and How to Make the Most of Both Meal services like Factor and Hello Fresh have become extremely popular lately with ads constantly popping up. People are busy and between DoorDash and the cost of groceries, everyone is looking for the best method amongst the options….
Summer Meal Prep – Seasonal Produce
One of the best ways to enjoy cooking and eating is by incorporating seasonal produce. Liven up your summer meal prep with new recipes and twists on old recipes. The summer selection is vast, colorful, and delicious. This is one of the best seasons for trying new produce. Fresh berries, ripe tomatoes, delicious apples, all…
Meal Prep Smoothies
In the throes of summer heat, a cool smoothie can make all the difference. Whether as a meal replacement or as a snack, meal prep smoothies are a nutritious, delicious, and nice change of pace for meals. The flavor combinations and cool temperature make for a different experience than the usual lunch. Meal prep smoothies…
Best Meal Prep Dips
Meal prep dips can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your meal. Dips add moisture to otherwise dry foods and a kick of flavor to the bland. The tricks to meal prep dips is keeping the calories, sodium, and sugar low while keeping it taste good and of course storing the dip effectively. Often…
Best Office Lunch Meal Prep
Probably the number one reason people get into meal prepping is to make the best office lunch meal prep. You want to eat healthier, cheaper, and better and the options outside the home are severely lacking. You have fast food, deli’s, fast casual, and sit down restaurants. That is if you’re not just snacking at…
Cheap Meal Prep For One
Whether you’re single and looking for better budget-friendly meals or in a family looking for a way to lower the family grocery bill, cheap meal prep for one can help. For many this can be a lifestyle change to save money over years or even a short term solution to save money during tough times….
Best Meal Prep To Lose Weight
Seafood meal prep recipes can be some of the most delicious and varied meals in your routine. Seafood is versatile and pairs with a unique set of flavors so different from beef and chicken. Tilapia, Salmon, Tuna, Shrimp, and so much more. The seafood aisle at your local grocery store has so many amazing choices…
Summer Seafood Meal Prep
This is a great time to try out some summer seafood meal prep. From flavors and different fishes to cooking methods, summer style seafood can be a refreshing change of pace. Seafood is rich in nutrients, low in calories, and high in protein and tastes delicious when grilled, baked, and pan cooked. Summer Seafood Flavors…
How to Get Started with Grilling Meal Prep
Introducing grilling into your meal prep can be a fantastic way to add variety and stay healthy. It’s that time of year to do some grilling before it gets insanely hot outside. Grilling meal prep is fun and for a lot of people, not the first thing you think about when meal prepping. Whether you’re…
Why Meal Prep Chicken Thighs
Meal prep better tasting and more nutritious chicken! The secret is meal prep chicken thighs. Chicken thighs are a less common cut of chicken so it’s generally more affordable. With the price of groceries what it is, every little bit of savings helps. Chicken thighs can be up to a third of the price of chicken…
Top 10 Best Water Bottles For Hydration
Staying hydrated is an important part of a healthy metabolism and a healthy life. Adequate hydration ensures that cells receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen, enhancing overall cellular function and energy levels. Furthermore, proper hydration aids in detoxifying the body by helping the kidneys flush out waste products more effectively. In fact we have already…
Water Flavoring: Is It Healthy?
Water flavoring packets have been popular for over a decade now and they’ve continued to be popular as well. Even if they aren’t as popular as perhaps they once were. Brands like Mio and Vital Protein are still selling very well. This is for a good reason, drinking water instead of soft drinks has become…
Low Calorie Meal Prep
Low calorie meal prep is one of the biggest reasons people start meal prepping. Gradually lowering your calorie intake is a great way to lose weight and can leave you feeling more alert throughout the day. Ditch the heavy lunches and focus on light foods with delicate and deep flavors. Low calorie meal prep isn’t…
How to Build a Balanced Meal Prep
There are many reasons for meal prep and nutrition is one of the biggest. Nutritionally balanced meal prep leaves you feeling better throughout the day with more energy and a clearer mind. Balancing a single meal or even an entire day can be fairly straightforward but once you start thinking bigger and planning for long…
Get Started: Vegetarian Meal Prep
Vegetarian meal prep is a delicious way to mix up the typical meal routine. Besides the health benefits, vegetable focused recipes tend to utilize different spices and sauces. Also vegetarian meals can be very quick and easy to make while still having an incredibly deep flavor profile. The hard part is getting started, especially if…
Best Salad Meal Prep Containers
One of the hardest things to get right when meal prepping can be storage, especially when meal prepping salads, as greens have a tendency to wilt, get soggy, and lose their crunch. Choosing the right salad meal prep containers can help you package your favorite salads, toppings, and dressings without losing all the deliciousness of…
Pasta Meal Prep
Pasta gets a bad rap, as do most carbs in general. In reality carbohydrates, specifically those made of whole wheat grains, have amazing benefits from being a great source of energy, as well as, fiber to help with our body’s normal daily process. Pasta meal prep is a convenient and delicious way to ensure that…
Top 10 Keto Meal Prep Recipes
Seafood meal prep recipes can be some of the most delicious and varied meals in your routine. Seafood is versatile and pairs with a unique set of flavors so different from beef and chicken. Tilapia, Salmon, Tuna, Shrimp, and so much more. The seafood aisle at your local grocery store has so many amazing choices…
Make Meal Prep Easy
Meal prep shortcuts make meal prep easy. For many people the biggest reason for not meal prepping or falling off of a routine is the effort and time it takes to actually meal prep. These meal prep shortcuts and tips can make the process much faster and easier while retaining the nutrition and flavor. Vegetables…
How to Meal Prep Oats
Learn how to meal prep oats to open up a variety of nutritional breakfasts that taste amazing and can be easy to make. From baked to overnight oats, oats can be prepared in many ways that are great for breakfasts planned ahead. Oats are a good source of carbohydrates which provide energy throughout the day….
Meal Prep Breakfast Tacos
Meal prep breakfast tacos, burritos, and quesadillas for a truly delicious and easy-to-make breakfast. Tacos are a versatile option with tons of ingredient combinations that can be healthy and filling. Breakfast taco meal prep is also great for storability, easy freezing, and portioning. Breakfast meal prep can be one of the most important meals of…
Chinese Food Meal Prep
Chinese food meal prep is one of the best options for busy people looking to eat healthy on a budget. We’ve already covered Asian food meal prep overall, but there is so much depth to each cuisine, so we’re deep-diving into Chinese food meal prep. Chinese cuisine’s vibrant flavors and variety of dishes offers huge…
Top 10 Gluten Free Meal Prep Recipes
Seafood meal prep recipes can be some of the most delicious and varied meals in your routine. Seafood is versatile and pairs with a unique set of flavors so different from beef and chicken. Tilapia, Salmon, Tuna, Shrimp, and so much more. The seafood aisle at your local grocery store has so many amazing choices…
National Nutrition Month
March is national nutrition month and it’s a perfect time to revisit your meal prep plan. March is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of making informed food choices and developing healthy eating habits. Throughout the month, there are a ton of events, programs and activities designed to encourage and educate on nutritious food…
No Egg Breakfast Meal Prep
There is a whole new approach to the “most important meal” of the day. Eggs have always been synonymous with breakfast but no egg breakfast meal prep has been a fast growing trend for many reasons. Meal prep can get stale. No egg breakfast meal prep inspires through limitations. You can still do classic breakfast…
Asian Meal Prep: Healthy Asian Food to Inspire Your Meal Prep Routine
Asian meal prep has some of our favorite recipes to make. As a Filipino, I’ve got a special place in my heart (and my stomach!) for the rich tapestry of flavors, techniques, and history that Asian meal prep brings to the table. Growing up, I was lucky enough to learn the art of Filipino cooking…
Easy Meal Prep Tips & Recipes
Between kids and/or the job these days, we are all busy. That’s why we provide an approach to cooking that is simple, nutritious, and delicious. It’s fun to do complicated recipes and test your culinary skills, however sticking to a meal prep routine generally relies on a foundation of quick and simple meals. We put…
How To Meal Prep Salads
Meal prep salads are a great healthy option for lunches and dinners during the week. The key to meal prepping salads is knowing how to batch prep and store. Keeping vegetables, different kinds of vegetables, fresh until you’re ready to eat is tougher than traditional meal prep dishes. The method to meal prep salads Follow…
Meal Prep Eggs
Learning how to meal prep eggs will expand the volume of your meal prep recipes that’ll introduce flavors and textures you can’t get from other ingredients. Eggs have long been considered one of the best ingredients for their versatility, savory flavor, and nutritional value. You can add an egg compliment to tons of meal prep…
How to meal prep wraps: healthy & easy
Knowing how to meal prep wraps will significantly expand your lunch options especially for those busy weeks. Not only are wrap recipes quick and easy but with the right ingredients they can be incredibly delicious and nutritious. With low calories and easily balanced macronutrients, wraps are some of the easiest recipes to dial in for…
How to meal prep for a good workout routine
Timing your meal prep for a good workout is one the most important factors for maximizing your eating and exercising. What you eat, as we all know, plays a huge role in a healthy lifestyle, weight loss, and muscle building but aligning your meals with your workout can be trickier. Having the right nutrients in…
Versatile Meal Prep, a “How To”
Meal prep versatility can make or break a routine. Meal prep burnout happens because you get bored of the flavors, the textures, the monotony of it all. It can also be as simple as one week of meals that you don’t like but are stuck with 5 days of food and you break from your…
2024 New Year Meal Prep
It’s that time of year again, 2024 New Year Meal Prep. Time to reset and realign your meal prep for nutrition and good habits. Whether you are a seasoned meal prep pro or new to meal prep, post holidays are a great time to update your habits. Click to view weekly meal plans and start…
Top No Cook Meal Prep Recipes
Seafood meal prep recipes can be some of the most delicious and varied meals in your routine. Seafood is versatile and pairs with a unique set of flavors so different from beef and chicken. Tilapia, Salmon, Tuna, Shrimp, and so much more. The seafood aisle at your local grocery store has so many amazing choices…
Meal Prepping Desserts
Meal prepping desserts is a great addition to savory meal prep or an introduction into meal prepping. We often don’t think about dessert meal prep as a lot of people meal prep for nutritional reasons or because dessert tends to be a cookie, or ice cream, or candy. Something that is easy enough to grab….
Best Meal Prep Containers – Gift Edition
This is a perfect time to update, upgrade, or replace your meal prep containers with more of the Best Meal Prep Containers – Gift Edition. Whether you’re treating yourself or the meal prepper in your life, this list will provide you plenty of options from cheap to expensive, full meal to portions, and silicone to…
Meal Prepping Appetizers
It’s the time of year for feasting, extravagant food and multiple courses, for friends and family. Everyone is busy and budgets are tight. Finding ways to streamline your cooking is imperative and this all starts with appetizers. Meal prepping appetizers can save you a ton of time and money. We are here to help with…
Affordable Holiday Meals & Sides
The holidays are here and this is the time for joyous, indulgent feasts. The price of groceries is only going up and between food and gifts, we can all stand to save some money with these affordable holiday meals and sides. Whether you’re cooking for yourself or for guests, we all want a taste of…
Make Ahead Meals for the Holidays
The holidays are coming up and cooking a lot of food takes so much time. Anything you can do to make ahead meals for the holidays, the better. From prepping individual ingredients to fully cooking entire dishes days ahead of time can make the day-of go so much easier. You can trust that you have…
Meal Prepping Snack Packs – Lunch Ideas
Lunchables are a popular choice for children’s lunches and as a grown up you can still enjoy meal prepping snack packs. It’s like a small charcuterie board on-the-go. For busy people, meal prepping snack packs has to be one of the easiest and quickest meals out there. Adult snack packs have become popular in the…
Meal Prepping Soups
Meal prepping soups is one of the easiest, most affordable meal prepping methods. On top of that, soups are versatile and last a while in the freezer, just a few reasons soup is so popular. It’s soup season and a perfect time to dust off your big pots and instant pots. Soup meal prep is…
Meal Prepping with Pork
Meal prepping with pork is a great addition to your meal prep routine. Healthy cuts of pork and the right recipes can be very nutritious, taste amazing, and stores well. Knowing how to introduce and balance pork in your diet can make a big difference and open a whole new world of proteins and recipes….
Best Fall Seasonal Recipes
It’s time for Fall Seasonal Recipes! Great fall seasonal recipes are characterized by their use of fresh, in-season ingredients that capture the essence of autumn. Every year, fall is the season everyone gets excited about for food. From harvest festivals to thanksgiving, there is a long tradition of copious amounts of food during this season….
Meal Prepping for Weight Loss
Meal prepping for weight loss can be a healthy option for anyone to do and for people who work 9-to-5 jobs, it may be the most important method for losing weight. The meals you can’t be at home for are the ones that tend to be the least healthy. Most people resort to quick food…
Is Carnivore Diet right for you
High protein diets like the Carnivore Diet are not new (Atkins, Keto, Paleo), and there is a lot of science that backs up the health benefits of increasing protein in your diet. It’s important to remember, though, that the Carnivore Diet may not be the perfect fit for everyone and educating yourself before trying it…
How to Meal Prep for a Busy Week
Life gets tough sometimes, between work, family, and friends you just run out of time. Meals and eating routines are often the first or second thing to go when your schedule gets busy. Learning how to meal prep for a busy week can make a huge difference in your life. Maintaining nutrition will help you…
Gluten Free Meal Prepping
Gluten free meal prepping is necessary for some and for others a great option to work into a routine for a nutritional mix up. There are a lot of benefits to changing up diets on occasion and trying something new. A different diet breeds new creative meal routines and helps you discover new recipes and…
Low Carb Meal Prepping
Low carb meal prepping is nothing new but sometimes it helps to have a refresher and perhaps learn some new things. Low carb diets and meal routines have been around for decades and for many reasons. Many people use them to lose weight while others use them to manage health conditions, either way incorporating low…
Ground Beef Meal Prepping
Ground beef is one of the most versatile ingredients that you can work into your meal prep recipe routine. Almost every cuisine in the world uses some kind of ground beef. From meatloaf to meatballs, from tacos to lettuce wraps, ground beef can do it all.
Top 10 Seafood Meal Prep Recipes
Seafood meal prep recipes can be some of the most delicious and varied meals in your routine. Seafood is versatile and pairs with a unique set of flavors so different from beef and chicken. Tilapia, Salmon, Tuna, Shrimp, and so much more. The seafood aisle at your local grocery store has so many amazing choices…
High Protein Meal Prep Tips
High protein meal prep isn’t just for people trying to build muscles. Protein is connected to much more than that. High protein meals help you feel full faster so you won’t be as inclined to binge eat. It also helps with managing appetites so if you are trying to find a good rhythm and routine,…
One Pot Meal Tips
These one pot meal tips can prepare you to meal prep amazing dishes that are easy to make and require little clean up.
Top 10 Breakfast Recipes
Breakfast can be one of the easiest meal prep meals to make however variety is important to keep you smiling every time you open the fridge. Our top 10 breakfast recipes will do just that. There is a ton of variety, perfect for every diet type. They’re also delicious and nutritious!
Meal Prepping Leftovers
Meal prepping leftovers is a great way to save money and be more efficient with your time. One of the most important leftover meal prepping tips is to keep cooked ingredients separate as much as possible. Use food storage containers that have compartments to keep entire meals separated. (This is also great for portion control)…
Most Popular Meatless Recipes
Our most popular meatless recipes are great for everyone. Even if you’re not vegan or vegetarian, you’ll be amazed by the flavors of the vegetables, fruits and spices that you usually miss out on.
Meal Prepping Hacks
Meal prepping hacks can save you time, money, and keep you on your meal plan for longer. There are a lot of tips and tricks that you pick up along the way so we want to share them with you to assist in your meal prepping endeavors.
Tips For Freezing Meals
Knowing the tips for freezing meals is important when getting into meal prepping. Cooking meals in large batches and making food for the whole week leads could lead to a lot of freezing food.
Tips For Meal Prepping in Batches
Meal prepping in batches involves making large portions of entire meals or parts of meals so that you can enjoy them later with minimal work. Good batch cooking can benefit from proper preparation and making the right choices.
Best Meal Prepping Containers
Containers are one of the most important parts of meal prepping. They are what allow for food to be portioned out, stored and reheated later. There are a ton of options out there for storing food and everyone can have different needs so we put together a short list of some of the best meal…
Air Fryer Cooking Tips
Air fryer cooking achieves crispy exteriors with thoroughly cooked interiors – easily, quickly and without making a big mess.
Most Popular Instant Pot Recipes
Instant Pots are a great way to cook delicious meals, so we pulled together our most popular instant pot recipes. It’s easy to cook and clean, fast and the flavors slow cooking releases are amazing. This is a fantastic addition to any kitchen as it really opens up the types of recipes that you…
Top 10 Meal Prep Beef Recipes
Beef is a staple in every chef’s kitchen so we put together a list of our Top 10 Meal Prep Beef Recipes. Beef is a versatile protein that works well across cuisines and meal prep recipes as it reheats well and lasts in the kitchen.
Best Kitchen Tools For Meal Prepping
Meal prepping saves you a lot of time by making cooking efficient but that doesn’t mean that you won’t still be spending time in the kitchen. I spend a lot of time testing recipes, meal prepping, and cooking for others so I’m in the kitchen everyday. Having the right knives, pans, and kitchen tools at…
Top 10 Meal Prep Chicken Recipes
Chicken is an amazingly versatile and healthy ingredient with a delicious flavor so we pulled our top 10 meal prep chicken recipes into a convenient list. Our chicken recipes come from many cuisines to provide a ton of variety, with easy cooking instructions. Don’t know where to start or getting fatigued on your current meal…
Top 10 Meal Prep Recipes To Lose Weight
We rounded up some of our favorite meal prep recipes to help you achieve your weight loss goals. As you know, we are firm believers in meal prepping. It’s such a great way to ensure you have healthy and nutritious meals that are ready to eat when you’re busy on the go or just help…
Cheapest Meals for One
Cooking for one person can be affordable if you plan ahead and choose recipes that use simple and inexpensive ingredients. In addition, eating healthy does not have to be expensive. There are many affordable ingredients that are also healthy. Here are some affordable cooking options and ingredients that can make the cheapest meals for one…
Best Meals for One
Cooking for one can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience with a little bit of planning and preparation. Here are some tips and recipe ideas that we’ve put together for the best “meals for one”. By following these tips, you can get started with cooking for one and create delicious and healthy meals for yourself….
Easy to Make Thanksgiving Side Dishes
Thanksgiving Dinner wouldn’t be complete without all the side dishes. The turkey entree may be the star of the show, but for us, we look forward to piling up our plates with a variety of side dishes. We are including classics such as roasted vegetables, creamy casseroles, and comfort dishes like mac and cheese. Tomato…
Stress-Free Thanksgiving Dinner Recipes
Turkey, Ham, and Prime Rib normally steal the show when it comes to holiday feasts, but what about changing it up a bit and trying something a little different and a bit easier. These non-traditional entrees are a great alternative if you are wanting to try something new and also cut down time in the…
Choosing Healthy Fats: Know the Different Types of Fat
Fats are a vital energy source for the human body that helps give our body energy and support cell growth. Fat also protects our organs and keeps our bodies warm. They help us absorb minerals and vitamins, build cell membranes, support nerve health, aid muscle movement, make blood clotting possible, and contribute to the process…
Daily Habits That Could Increase Risk for Heart Disease
Heart disease is known as the “silent” killer and people don’t know they are at risk until they experience signs or symptoms of heart failure or heart attacks. Certain habits over time can increase the risk for heart disease and we don’t even know it. It is well known that foods with high amounts of…
Types of water: Which water is best for health?
Food is important for nutrition, however, staying hydrated is also essential to our health. Water helps transport nutrients throughout the body and also helps flush out toxins out of our system. There is a wide variety of water to choose from, with certain waters being more expensive or providing some nutrients more than others. Here…
Simple Foods to Boost the Immune System
Nowadays, we are all looking for ways to boost our immunity. One of the best ways to stay healthy and enhance your immune system is to maintain a nutritious diet. Our immune system is your body’s version of an army ready to defend your health. In general, the immune system consists of organs, cells, tissues,…
Meal Prep Benefits of Air Fryers and Instant Pots
When it comes to eating healthy, convenience and budget are always something to consider. Nowadays, more and more people are looking to incorporate home cooked meals to help achieve their health goals. As with any new change in lifestyle, most people naturally will try to find ways that will be feasible for them. Here at…
Easy Thanksgiving Recipes
This year’s Thanksgiving festivities might look a bit different this year amid the coronavirus pandemic, and you’re probably trying to figure out what to make on Thanksgiving. Maybe instead of cooking in large meals for a packed house, you’re only with your immediate family or close friends that you’ve been cooped up with for the…
Keto Food List
Starting the keto diet can be a little overwhelming, but no worries, we’ve put together some basic information about the Keto diet and listed out some keto-friendly ingredients to help you take out the guesswork of grocery shopping. What foods to avoid on a Keto diet? Since this is a high-fat diet that limits carbs,…
Cheap Dinner Ideas
Tasty dinners don’t need to be expensive to be delicious. Save money by choosing cheaper proteins like chicken, ground beef, tilapia and pair them with budget-friendly side dishes. All you need is the right cooking method with the right amount of seasonings, spices, and herbs to bring out the best flavors. Here are some cheap…