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Snack for Success: Healthy Eating Tips for Office Munchies

round plate with peanut butter quesadillas and sliced green apples

Meal prepping healthy snacks comes with a multitude of nutritional benefits, especially when it comes to fighting off those midday munchies. Incorporating meal prepping into your snack routine is a powerful strategy to stay on the healthy track, save time, and ensure you have nourishing options available whenever hunger strikes. It’s a small investment of time that pays off in significant health benefits.

round plate with healthy snacks of peanut butter quesadillas and sliced green apples

Nutritional Benefits of Snacking

Snacking, when done mindfully and with nutritious choices, can offer various nutritional benefits that contribute to overall health and well-being. Here are some of the key nutritional advantages of incorporating healthy snacks into your daily routine:

  • Balanced Energy Levels: Snacking between meals helps maintain a steady supply of energy throughout the day. Choosing snacks that combine complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats can prevent energy dips and keep blood sugar levels stable.
  • Improved Nutrient Intake: Well-planned snacks provide an opportunity to increase the intake of essential nutrients. Including a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains in your snacks ensures a broader spectrum of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Enhanced Metabolism: Eating smaller, frequent meals through snacking can help boost your metabolism. This can be beneficial for weight management by preventing overeating during main meals and promoting efficient calorie burning.
  • Supports Weight Management: Healthy snacks can aid in weight management by preventing excessive hunger, which may lead to overeating during main meals. Choosing nutrient-dense snacks can help control overall calorie intake.
  • Blood Sugar Control: Snacking on foods with a low glycemic index can help regulate blood sugar levels. This is particularly important for individuals with diabetes or those looking to prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes.
  • Muscle Preservation and Repair: Protein-rich snacks contribute to muscle preservation and repair. Consuming snacks with a balanced mix of amino acids supports muscle health, especially for those engaged in physical activities or exercise.
  • Digestive Health: Snacks that include fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, promote digestive health. Fiber aids in maintaining regular bowel movements and supports a healthy gut microbiome.

Benefits of Meal Prepping Snacks

Here are some compelling reasons why incorporating snack meal prep into your routine is a game-changer:

  • Healthy Choices at Arm’s Reach: By preparing snacks in advance, you ensure that you have healthy options readily available. This reduces the temptation to reach for less nutritious, convenient snacks like chips or candy when hunger strikes.
  • Portion Control: Meal prepping allows you to control portion sizes, preventing overeating. Pre-packaged snacks in appropriate serving sizes help you maintain a balanced intake of calories, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
  • Save Time and Reduce Stress: Busy schedules often lead to reaching for whatever is quickest and most convenient. With pre-prepared snacks, you save time during your hectic workdays and reduce stress associated with last-minute snack decisions.
  • Cost-Effective: Buying snacks in bulk and preparing them at home is typically more cost-effective than purchasing pre-packaged snacks. You can buy ingredients in larger quantities, reducing overall costs and ensuring a steady supply of snacks throughout the week.
  • Mindful Eating Habits: Planning and preparing snacks in advance encourage mindful eating. You become more intentional about your food choices, savoring each bite and paying attention to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.
  • Avoid Unhealthy Impulse Snacking: When hunger strikes unexpectedly, having pre-prepared snacks on hand prevents impulsive and potentially unhealthy food choices. It gives you the satisfaction of a quick and tasty snack without compromising your health goals.
  • Consistency in Healthy Eating Habits: Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet. Snack meal prep helps you establish a routine, making it easier to stick to your nutritional goals and avoid the ups and downs of erratic eating patterns.

Snack Meal Prep Ideas

Let’s explore some easy, budget-friendly, and delicious snack ideas that will keep you on the healthy track.

  • Power-Packed Protein Bites: Protein is your ally when it comes to staying full and energized. Prepare a batch of protein bites using ingredients like oats, peanut butter, and honey. These little bites are not only delicious but also easy to grab on the go.
  • Veggie Sticks and Hummus: Keep things crunchy and satisfying with a combo of colorful veggie sticks and hummus. Carrots, cucumber, and bell peppers are excellent choices. Portion out your hummus into small containers for easy dipping.
  • Greek Yogurt Parfaits: Greek yogurt is a protein powerhouse. Create yogurt parfaits by layering yogurt with fresh fruits and a sprinkle of granola. This snack is not only tasty but also offers a mix of textures and flavors.
  • Trail Mix: A homemade trail mix is a versatile and customizable snack. Mix nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and a touch of dark chocolate for a delightful blend that satisfies both your sweet and savory cravings.
  • Granola and Nut Mix: Create a customized trail mix by combining granola with your favorite nuts and seeds. Add dried fruits like cranberries or apricots for a sweet and chewy element.
  • Whole Grain Crackers and Cheese: Choose whole-grain crackers for a fiber boost and pair them with your favorite cheese. This classic combo is both filling and provides a good balance of carbohydrates and protein.
  • Energy-Boosting Smoothies: Blend up a batch of energy-boosting smoothies with your favorite fruits, greens, and a scoop of protein powder. Pour them into individual containers for a refreshing pick-me-up during your workday.
  • Hydration Station: Don’t forget the importance of staying hydrated. Infuse your water with slices of fruits or herbs for a refreshing twist. Proper hydration can also help curb unnecessary snacking.
round plate with diced peaches and rolled oats as healthy snacks

Need Healthy Snack Meal Prep Ideas?

Here are some simple snack meal prep ideas that are budget-friendly and perfect for on the go.

round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Yogurt with Mixed Nuts and Fruit

Meal prep our Healthy Yogurt Bowl with Strawberries and Mixed Nuts!

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Air Fryer Grapefruit

This delightful creation combines the sweet and zesty goodness of grapefruit with the rich touch of honey, crunchy cashews, and your favorite yogurt.

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Date & Walnut Granola

Energize Your Day with a healthy dose of Homemade Date and Walnut Granola!

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Hard Boiled Eggs with Asparagus

Packed with protein, fiber, and a burst of delightful flavors, this snack is not only a treat for your taste buds but also a nutritious alternative to mindless office snacks

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Peanut Butter Quesadillas

Tangy green apples, creamy peanut butter, crunchy chopped pecans,and a sprinkle of cinnamon powder

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Chia Pudding

Chia Pudding with Mixed Berries – a vibrant, nutrient-packed creation and simple to meal prep.

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Meal Prepping for Success: Plan Healthy Lunches for Busy Workdays

glass meal prep container with shredded bbq chicken, corn, and broccoli

Let’s talk about how to plan and meal prep delicious and hassle-free healthy lunches that will keep you fueled and focused throughout your workweek. Meal prepping for a healthy workweek doesn’t have to be daunting. With a bit of planning, creativity, and a sprinkle of enthusiasm, you can transform your lunch routine into a delightful and nutritious experience. Whether you’re headed to the office or cozying up at your home workspace, we’ve got you covered with budget-friendly and microwave-friendly meal prep ideas.

meal prep containers with beef deli sandwich

Benefits of Healthy Lunches

Eating healthy lunches offers a myriad of benefits, contributing to both your physical and mental well-being. Let’s explore the positive impacts of incorporating nutritious meals into your daily lunch routine:

  • Sustained Energy Levels: Nutrient-dense foods provide a steady release of energy throughout the afternoon, preventing the dreaded post-lunch energy slump. This sustained energy helps you stay focused and productive at work. Nutrient-rich foods also play a role in cognitive function and mental clarity.
  • Balanced Nutrient Intake: Healthy lunches provide an opportunity to incorporate a wide range of essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, that support various bodily functions. This balance is crucial for overall health and well-being.
  • Supports Healthy Eating Habits: Consistently making mindful and nutritious choices during lunch sets a positive precedent for the rest of the day. Healthy lunch habits often extend to other meals, contributing to a well-rounded and nourishing diet.
  • Long-Term Health Benefits: Over time, consistently opting for nutritious lunches can have long-term health benefits, contributing to overall longevity and an improved quality of life.

What makes up a healthy lunch?

A healthy lunch should be a well-balanced and nutritious meal that provides essential nutrients to fuel your body and sustain energy levels throughout the day. A well-rounded lunch typically includes a mix of the following components:

  • Protein: Protein is crucial for muscle repair, growth, and overall body function. Include sources like grilled chicken, turkey, tofu, legumes, beans, fish, or lean cuts of beef.
  • Whole Grains: Whole grains are rich in fiber, providing sustained energy and promoting digestive health. Opt for options such as brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, whole grain pasta, or barley.
  • Colorful Vegetables: Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Aim for a variety of colors to ensure a broad spectrum of nutrients. Examples include leafy greens, bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, or cucumbers. Vegetables contain fiber and help keep you full longer.
  • Fruits: Fruits are a great source of natural sugars, fiber, and essential vitamins. Enjoy a piece of fresh fruit or include berries, citrus fruits, or sliced apples in your lunch.
  • Dairy or Dairy Alternatives: Dairy products or fortified dairy alternatives provide calcium for bone health. Include options like low-fat yogurt, cheese, or fortified plant-based milk.
  • Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. Limit sugary beverages and opt for water, herbal teas, or infused water for a refreshing and calorie-free option.
  • Limit Added Sugars and Processed Foods: Minimize the intake of processed foods and limit added sugars. Choose whole, unprocessed foods to maximize nutrient intake and support overall health.
  • Incorporate Herbs and Spices: Enhance the flavor of your meals without relying on excessive salt or added sugars. Use herbs and spices to add taste and variety to your dishes.

Tips for Packing a Healthy Lunch

Packing a delicious and nutritious lunch doesn’t have to be a chore. With a bit of planning and creativity, you can enjoy a variety of satisfying meals throughout the week. Here are some lunch packing tips to make your midday meal prep a breeze:

  • Plan Ahead: Take a few minutes at the beginning of the week to plan your lunches. Consider the variety of proteins, veggies, and grains you want to include. Planning helps you stay organized and ensures you have all the ingredients on hand.
  • Layer Smartly: Layer your ingredients strategically to maintain freshness. For example, place wet ingredients like salad greens at the top, followed by proteins and grains. Keep dressings and sauces in separate containers to prevent sogginess.
  • Add Texture and Flavor Separately: Keep ingredients with varying textures separate until you’re ready to eat. For example, pack crunchy nuts or seeds in a separate container to add just before eating, maintaining their texture and flavor.
  • Prep Fresh Ingredients: If you enjoy crisp veggies or fruits, consider packing them separately. This prevents them from becoming soggy before lunchtime. Sliced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, or apple slices are great options.
  • Utilize Leftovers Creatively: Transform dinner leftovers into a delicious lunch. Roasted vegetables can become a salad topper, and grilled chicken can be the star of a wrap or sandwich.
  • Consider Cold Lunch Options: Not every meal needs to be reheated. Embrace cold options like salads, cold pasta dishes, or grain bowls that can be enjoyed without using a microwave.
  • Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Using smaller plates or containers can help with portion control and prevent consuming more calories than needed.
glass meal prep containers that have ground beef, sweet potatoes, green bell peppers, cilantro, jalapeno, and red onions

Need Healthy Lunch Ideas?

Here are some easy and healthy lunch ideas that are quick to prepare and packed with nutrients:

round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Artichoke and Salmon Pasta Salad

Elevate your lunch with our Artichoke and Smoked Salmon Pasta Salad – a nutritious, zesty, and delicious meal prep idea.

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Chicken Meatball Soup

Savor the warmth of fall with our Chicken Meatball and Kale Soup, a hearty blend of tender chicken meatballs, vibrant vegetables, and aromatic spices, creating a comforting bowl that’s perfect for busy weeknights or cozy evenings

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Grilled Peach Steak Salad

This Grilled Peach and Steak Salad is a healthy and balanced meal option that incorporates protein, vegetables, and fruit.

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Turkey Toscana Soup

A healthy, meaty, and completely slurpworthy soup that you can whip up in no time.

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Black Bean and Corn Soft Tacos

This vegetarian black bean soft taco recipe is super fast, fresh, and a delicious vegetarian dish you can make for yourself during the week.

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round plate with rotini pasta, smoked salmon, artichoke hearts, and arugula

Chicken Pesto Wrap

Marinated chicken tenderloins in basil pesto, grilled to perfection, and served in whole wheat tortillas with sliced orange bell pepper, cucumber, and a side of hummus.

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Sip Smartly: Stay Hydrated, Stay Alert

glass of water with lemon slices and a pineapple ring

It’s time to give your productivity a hydration boost! Staying hydrated isn’t just a health tip – it’s such a key advantage to staying alert, engaged, and on top of your game at the workplace. We are going to help boost your workplace productivity with our top refreshing tips. Let us share the incredible benefits of staying hydrated throughout the day and offering you exciting tips to keep those hydration levels soaring.

glass of water with lemon slices and a pineapple ring for hydration tips

The Benefits of Hydration in the Workplace: Unleash Your Productivity Potential

Did you know that even mild dehydration can lead to reduced cognitive function, decreased concentration, and slower reaction times? But fear not! A well-hydrated body is a powerhouse of productivity. Here’s why:

  • Sharper Focus: Hydration supports brain function, helping you concentrate on tasks with clarity and precision.
  • Sustained Energy: Stay hydrated to keep your energy levels stable, waving goodbye to that dreaded mid-afternoon slump.
  • Enhanced Mood: Dehydration can lead to mood swings, while proper hydration keeps you feeling positive and motivated.

How Different Products and Activities Can Affect Hydration:

Several factors can negatively impact hydration levels. Here are some common issues and practical solutions to help counteract their effects:

  • Caffeine Consumption: Caffeine has a diuretic effect, increasing urine production. If you consume caffeinated beverages, balance them with an equal or greater amount of water. Opt for decaffeinated options when possible.
  • Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol is dehydrating and can lead to increased urine output. Drink water alongside alcoholic beverages, and intersperse alcoholic drinks with water to stay hydrated.
  • High Sodium Intake: Excessive salt intake can lead to increased thirst and water retention. Consume a balanced diet with moderate salt intake. Increase water intake to help flush excess sodium from the body.
  • Sweating and Physical Activity: Sweating during exercise leads to fluid loss. Drink water before, during, and after physical activity. Consider sports drinks for prolonged, intense exercise to replenish electrolytes.
  • Hot Weather: Increased temperatures and humidity lead to higher fluid requirements. Stay ahead of dehydration by drinking water consistently throughout the day. Dress appropriately for the weather and seek shade when possible.
  • Illness or Fever: Fever and illness can increase fluid loss. Increase fluid intake, including water, herbal teas, and clear broths. Monitor hydration levels closely during illness.
  • Medications: Certain medications may contribute to dehydration. Consult with your healthcare provider about the potential side effects of medications and adjust your fluid intake accordingly with our hydration tips.

Top 10 Tips to Stay Hydrated and Alert:

  • Start Your Day Right: Kickstart your morning with a glass of water to jumpstart your hydration journey.
  • Set a Hydration Goal: Aim to drink at least 8 glasses (64 ounces) of fluids daily, and maybe even more if you are extremely active with your workout regimen.
  • Hydration Bottle: Keep a reusable water bottle on your desk as a friendly reminder to sip throughout the day.
  • Sip, Don’t Gulp: Sip water steadily instead of chugging it all at once for better absorption.
  • Hydration Breaks: Integrate short breaks to stretch your legs and grab a drink – a win-win for hydration and productivity.
  • Hydrating Snacks: Munch on water-rich foods like cucumber, watermelon, and oranges to sneak in hydration.
  • Herbal Happiness: Opt for herbal teas like peppermint or chamomile for a refreshing and hydrating twist.
  • Infuse Your Water: Add slices of lemon, berries, or mint to your water for a burst of flavor that encourages more sips.
  • Coconut Coolness: Coconut water is a natural electrolyte-rich choice that keeps you hydrated and replenished.
  • Leverage Hydration Apps: Use smartphone apps to track your water intake and receive reminders throughout the day.
watermelon on a plate for hydration tips

In Conclusion: Hydration, Your Ultimate Productivity Sidekick

Staying alert and productive at work doesn’t have to be a struggle – it can be as simple as sipping on a refreshing glass of water or trying out creative options from our hydration tips. By making hydration a priority, you’re taking a proactive step toward unlocking your full potential. So, keep that water bottle handy, infuse it with your favorite flavors, and feel the difference as your productivity soars and your energy increases!

If you want to learn more about which water is best for your health, check out our article on the different types of water here.

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Mindful Mornings: Energize Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast Routine

spinach egg frittata

For those of you who are eager to seize the day and make the most of your work hours, then you should know that breakfast can be the most impactful meal of the day.  But have you ever truly grasped the immense impact it can have on your work performance? Having a nutritious breakfast becomes the cornerstone of a productive and efficient day in the workplace! Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into the invigorating world of healthy breakfast routines and how they can supercharge your productivity levels!

white rectangular baking dish with asparagus and tomato egg frittata - part of a healthy breakfast routine

The Power of a Nutritious Morning Meal

Instead of dragging your feet and muddling through the day, imagine starting your day with a burst of energy that keeps you focused, alert, and ready to tackle any challenge the day throws at you. A wholesome breakfast is your secret weapon to achieving just that. Studies consistently show that a balanced morning meal can enhance cognitive function, improve memory, and boost mood – all vital components for a successful workday.

5 Benefits of Energizing Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast:

  • Sustained Energy Levels: For the Go-Getters who are ambitious and strive for success, breakfast can give you the sustained energy and mental clarity needed to tackle your tasks head-on. Try eating a breakfast rich in complex carbohydrates and protein to provide a steady release of energy throughout the morning, helping you avoid energy crashes that often plague mid-morning.
  • Enhanced Concentration: Alerting innovators and creatives, your brain will need nutrients for optimal creative thinking and can be the catalyst for generating fresh ideas and solutions. Nutrient-dense breakfast options like whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins fuel your brain, resulting in improved focus and concentration during important tasks.
  • Mood Elevation: As for the Stress Managers (we have definitely been there), if you’re wanting to minimize stress, and anxiety, and increase a sense of stability in the midst of a busy schedule, proper nutrition can contribute to better stress management throughout the day. A well-rounded breakfast helps regulate blood sugar levels, reducing irritability and promoting a positive mood that resonates with your colleagues.
  • Boosted Metabolism: If you’re a health-conscious individual trying to maintain a healthy weight and mental well-being, a nutritious breakfast can align with your health goals. Jumpstart your metabolism by breaking the overnight fast with a nutritious meal. This can aid in weight management and maintaining healthy body composition.
  • Improved Digestion: For those that are just trying to improve their gut health, a fiber-rich breakfast aids digestion, keeping discomfort and sluggishness at bay. This means you’ll be able to power through your morning without any unwanted distractions.

Make Breakfast a Non-Negotiable Part of Your Routine

We all are dedicated to personal and professional growth, and we know that incorporating a healthy breakfast into your daily routine might require a bit of adjustment, but the benefits are undoubtedly worth it. Think of it as an investment in your work performance and overall well-being.

It demonstrates your commitment to caring for your body and mind, setting an example for others to follow. By dedicating a few minutes each morning to nourish your body and mind, you set the tone for a successful day ahead.

The Magic of Meal Prep

We get it – mornings can be hectic, and the snooze button often beckons. This is where the art of meal prepping comes in. We definitely want to make your mornings smoother and stress-free, so here are some of our tips for Breakfast Meal Prepping:

egg muffin meal prep, healthy breakfast routine
  • Plan Ahead: Prevent last-minute decisions by creating a weekly meal plan. Decide on the healthy breakfast routine you’d like to have throughout the week and ensure you have all the ingredients you need. See our tips for meal planning.
  • Batch Cooking: Prepare larger quantities of breakfast staples like egg frittatas, overnight oats, or muffins over the weekend. Portion them into individual servings and store them in airtight containers for easy grab-and-go breakfasts.
  • Pre-Cut Ingredients: Spend some time chopping fruits, vegetables, and herbs in advance. Store them in portioned containers, so you can simply add them to your breakfast dishes without any hassle.
  • Freezer-Friendly Options: Consider freezer-friendly breakfasts like breakfast burritos, muffins, or smoothie packs. Prepare these items, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or foil, and store them in the freezer. Just pop them in the microwave or oven when you’re ready to eat.
  • Mason Jar Magic: Mason jars are versatile and perfect for creating layered breakfasts. For example, you can layer yogurt, granola, and fruits for a yogurt parfait. The layers stay separate until you’re ready to enjoy, maintaining freshness and flavor.

Recipe Ideas for Breakfast

Oven Baked Oats: Combine rolled oats, milk (or a dairy-free alternative), and berries and bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes.

Get the Recipe: Oven Baked Oats with Apricots and Berries

baked oatmeal - most popular meatless recipes, healthy breakfast routine

Baked Egg Muffins: Whisk eggs and pour them into a muffin tin. Add chopped veggies like bell peppers, onions, and cilantro. Bake until set, and you’ll have protein-rich breakfast bites for the entire week.

Get the recipe: Sausage Egg Muffins with Strawberries

easy sausage egg muffins, part of a healthy breakfast routine

High Protein Sausage and Potato Hash: Savory sliced sausage with crispy diced potatoes baked to perfection in the oven.

Get the Recipe: Oven Baked Sausage and Potato Hash

rectangle white baking dish with sliced sausage, diced potatoes and peppers, and green onions

Remember, a healthy breakfast doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. It’s all about nourishing your body with wholesome ingredients that set you up for success. Check out our Top 10 Breakfast Recipes for more ideas.

round plate with glass meal prep container with breakfast pizza with egg, naan bread, and vegetables

So there you have it – the vibrant world of mindful mornings and the role of a healthy breakfast routine in boosting workplace productivity. Embrace this positive change, and watch how it transforms your workdays into productive, energetic, and fulfilling experiences!

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Benefits of Beets

sliced beets

Beets are common root vegetables and are recognizable for their deep dark red color. From juice to hummus and even dessert, they are showing up everywhere, adding color, antioxidants, and flavor. They are often in salads, but the entire plant is edible and can be boiled, baked, and even steamed. Beets belong to the chenopod family which includes chard, spinach, and quinoa. Red and yellow pigments are due to phytonutrients called betalains. They often star in many popular smoothies and juices today, but these colorful root vegetables have been long eaten for their powerful nutrient compounds. 

Health Benefits of Beets

Beets can promote optimal health as part of a well balanced diet. Beets are low-calorie and dense with nutrients, including potassium, betaine, magnesium, folate, and Vitamin C, and a good dose of nitrates. 

Here are some health benefits:

  • Beets contain betalain pigments which possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help defend the body against foreign invaders and repair damage tissue.
  • Beets contain nitrates which may help with lowering blood pressure. This is due to the nitrates converting to nitric oxide which helps dilate blood vessels. 
  • Some studies suggest that dietary nitrates can enhance athletic performance. Drinking beetroot juice a few hours before training may maximize their potential effect on improving oxygen use. 
  • Beets can help improve liver function by improving enzymatic activity and stimulating bile flow. Beets can help break down toxic waste and help excrete them.
  • Beets are also high in water, have a low-calorie content, and a good source of fiber which can help you keep full and help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. 

Nutrition Information in 1 serving-½ cup has 35 calories, 8 g of carbs, 1g of fiber,  1g of protein, and 0g of fat.

Best Uses of Beets

You can use beets in salads and soups. Many have turned the root into a popular detoxification beet juice. Beets can also be roasted or sauteed and served with citrus juices and olive oil.

raw beets

Diet Friendliness Chart

Diet FriendlinessYesNo
Gluten Freex 
Dairy Freex 
Low Caloriex 
Allergy Friendlyx 
Low Carbx 

Cook Time: Boiling and steaming whole beets take about 30 minutes. Cutting and roasting beets takes about 25 to 30 minutes. 

History of Beets

Beets are native to the Mediterranean region, and while the root is most commonly eaten nowadays, the leaves have been eaten for a long time. French chefs in the 1800s recognized its potential and gave it it’s popularity. 

FAQ – About Beets

What do beets taste like?

Beets have an earthy flavor with some sweetness. The sweetness comes from their sugar content. Raw beets have a crunchy texture that will turn soft and buttery when cooked. The leaves of the beets are also edible and have a similar flavor to chard. 

Why is my urine pinkish red after eating beets?

This condition is called “beeturia” which is typically not harmful. However, people with iron deficiency or known problems of metabolism are more likely to experience beeturia. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider for care. 

Do beets detox the body?

Beets are a good source of antioxidants and nutrients that can help you stay healthy when eaten in moderation along with a balanced diet, however, there is not enough evidence to show that it can detox your body on its own. 

Recipe Ideas for Beets

Make a beet salad with arugula, berries, and sliced almonds. Serve them with a citrus vinaigrette.

beet salad

Add them to quinoa to add a vibrant color.


Roast them in the oven and use them as a salad topper.

salmon with roasted beets

Slice them thin and make beet salad with fruit and nuts.

beets and nuts

Chop the leaves and saute the beet leaves as a side dish.

pork chops and beet leaves

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Benefits of Celery

celery and cranberry

Celery is a well known, strong tasting vegetable that is low calorie and mostly made of water. Celery is part of the carrot and parsnips family, plants that have flowers. This includes parsley, caraway, and dill. Celery has long, green, fibrous stalks bunched together at the root with leaves at the top. We often find it on every popular vegetable try alongside dips, however, consuming celery as part of a healthy, well-balanced diet, may provide a range of health benefits. 

Health Benefits of Pineapple

Although the celery stalk is mostly water, it packs a fair amount of nutritional benefits such as Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Folate. Celery also contains potassium and calcium which are important for heart health. It is also full of insoluble fiber which can increase the feeling of fullness and aid in weight loss and also help promote regularity.

Here are some health benefits:

  • Phytonutrients found in celery have been shown to act as smooth muscle relaxants. As a result, this relaxation around surrounding blood vessels allows them to expand and result in lowering blood pressure. 
  • Celery has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients that can help protect the digestive tract by providing the stomach with special benefits. The pectin-based polysaccharides found in celery can help improve the integrity of the stomach lining, lowering risks for stomach ulcers
  • Celery is also loaded with antioxidants that can help prevent oxidative stress which contributes to cancer

Nutrition Information in 1 serving- 1 cup has 16 calories, 3 g of carbs, 1.40 g of fiber, 0.70 g of protein, and 0g of fat

Best Uses of Celery

Raw celery is crunchy and usually contains more nutrients than cooked celery. However, steaming celery is also a healthy way to retain most of its nutrients more significantly than boiling celery. The flavor is mild, earthy, and has an herby taste.

egg salad and celery

Diet Friendliness Chart

Diet FriendlinessYesNo
Gluten Freex 
Dairy Freex 
Low Caloriex 
Allergy Friendly x
Low Carbx
Note: Allergy to celery seems to be linked to people with seasonal hay fever to pollen. This is called a cross-reaction occurring at certain times of the year. In severe cases, celery allergies can cause anaphylactic shock.

Cook Time-Celery can be eaten raw, however, if you decide to cook celery, you can simmer sliced celery on low medium heat in cooking liquid for 5 to 10 minutes. Larger pieces such as individual rib quarters will require about 10 to 20 minutes. Steaming celery can take about 10 to 20 minutes. If you saute small pieces of celery, you can cook them for about 5 to 7 minutes until the celery is tender.

History of Celery

Celery has been used for quite a long time and is native to the Mediterranean and the Middle East. In addition to being consumed, celery and celery seed extract has been used medicinally in China, India, Egypt, and Rome for inflammation such as gout and arthritis.

FAQ – About Celery

Why does my stomach bloat when I eat celery?

If eaten in excess, it can cause bloating or gas in some people. This is a result of the high levels of mannitol which is a compound linked to gastrointestinal problems.

How to Buy and Store Celery?

When picking celery, look for stalks that are tightly packed adn are crisp enough to snap easily. Avoid stalks with wilted leaves. Store celery in a plastic bag and place it in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. If stored properly, it can keep for up to two weeks in the fridge.

Can you eat celery leaves?

Yes, most people discard the leaves, but they are also edible and have a lot of the celery flavor. 

Can you be allergic to celery?

Yes, celery allergic reactions can include mild symptoms such as itchy mouth and tongue to a runny nose. However, serious allergic reactions can cause anaphylactic shock.

Recipe Ideas for Celery

Add chopped celery to chicken salad

chicken salad wrap

Stir fry celery slices with protein

chicken stir fry

Simmer celery with carrots and onions for soup

chicken celery soup

Serve it a snack with nut butter and other nutritious ingredients

Here are some recipes with celery that we think you’ll enjoy:

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Benefits of Pineapple

pineapple salsa

Pineapple is more than just a delicious juicy tropical fruit. It shines in a lot of health benefits and is easy to incorporate into meals. This fruit is actually composed of many individual fruits that come together around a core. It is tasty, sweet, and helps boost the immune system.

Health Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is rich in vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants that can help boost the immune system. And despite their sweet flavors, they are low in calories. They can also aid digestion and benefit your skin.

Here are some health benefits:

  • Pineapple is a great source of Vitamin C and provides antioxidant protection and immune support against free radicals that attack and damage cells.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of the enzyme bromelain are also linked to relieving arthritis that causes joint pain due to inflammation.
  • Pineapple has Thiamin and Manganese that help in energy production and antioxidant defenses.
  • In addition to carrots, pineapples have been linked to lowering the risk against macular degeneration. 
  • Pineapple promotes digestion due to its fiber content and an enzyme called bromelain. Together they help move things along the gastrointestinal tract and help reduce inflammation in the stomach lining.

Nutrition Information in 1 serving –One cup of fresh pineapple chunks has 83 calories, 21 g of carbohydrates, 2.3 g of fiber 0.89 g of protein, and 0 fat.   

Best Uses of Pineapple

Pineapple can be eaten fresh or frozen and can be served in every meal. For breakfast, you can blend it in smoothies, add it as a salad topper for lunch, and even use it in salsas to pair with your protein for dinner. 

pineapple chicken

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Cook Time: Pineapple can be eaten fresh. However, if you decide to use them in cooked dishes, you only need to cook them for a few minutes or add them at the end of the cooking process, otherwise, they will get too mushy.

History of Pineapple

Europeans were thought to discover this tropical fruit in the Caribbean Islands known today as Guadalupe. When they brought it back to Europe, they realized the fruit required a tropical climate to grow. They introduced the pineapples to Asian, Africa, and South Pacific countries. Since pineapples easily perish, having fresh pineapple became a luxury for the prestige social class. Hawaii is the only US state that cultivates this fruit in addition to other countries such as Philippines, Brazil, and Mexico.

FAQ – About Pineapple

 How to Select and store?

Buy pineapple that is larger in size and are free of soft spots and dark eyes. Pineapple that is ripe will smell sweet on its end. Pineapple can be left at room temperature for a day or two before serving. However, they can spoil quickly and should be consumed within 2 days. Cut pineapple can be stored in a refrigerator for about 3 to 4 days in an air tight container. Frozen pineapple can be stored for a few months. 

What are tips for preparing pineapple?

There are many ways to cut a pineapple. However, you will always want to remove the crown and the base first. Then, lay it flat on its base. Carefully slice the peel and use the tip of your knife to carve out any “eyes”. From there you can cut th pineapple into slices and remove the core if desired. 

Is pineapple good for the skin?

Pineapple contains an enzyme bromelain which is known to break down amino acids. When you eat pineapple, bromelain does the same breakdown in your mouth. When it dissolves the protective mucous that coats your tongue and the roof of your mouth, the acidity of the pineapple is what actually causes the irritation. Cooking the pieapple can remove most of the enzymes. Pairing pineapple with dairy can also neutralize the pH. The processing for canned pineapple also removes most of the enzyme. 

Recipe Ideas for Pineapple

Use Pineapples in Kebabs

Bright pineapple flavors pair well with the aromatic onions, and bell peppers to make a delicious and flavor packed kebabs. 

shrimp and pineapple kebabs

Grill Pineapples

Grilling pineapple gets soft and tender and just easily melts in your mouth. The tropical flavor pairs well with other grilled meats. You can either sweeten it even more with brown sugar or honey, or you can make it sweet and savory by adding paprika or chili powder. 

grilled pineapple and chicken

Add to Pineapple to Stir Fry

Pineapple can add sweet and sour flavors to savory stir fry dishes. It is super quick and goes well with bell peppers, green onions, and ginger. 

pineapple chicken stir fry

Here are some recipes that incorporate pineapple that we think you’ll enjoy:

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Benefits of Turkey

whole turkey

While turkey has become the centerpiece for Thanksgiving and the Winter Holidays, it is a nutritious source that can be enjoyed throughout the year. 

Health Benefits of Turkey

Turkey is best known for its high amount of protein which is responsible for the growth, repair, and maintenance of cells. Turkey is also rich in nutrients, particularly in B Vitamins which impact your energy levels, brain function, and cell health. Turkey also has a high amount of selenium and is a good source of zinc, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and iron. All these minerals impact body processes. Turkey also contains omega-3 fats which help in promoting heart health.

Here are some health benefits:

  • Turkey is a high protein food that can help promote muscle growth and support the maintenance of muscle mass, especially after exercise and strength training.
  • Since it is a high protein source, it can support weight loss by reducing appetite and hunger levels by promoting the feeling of fullness. This is partly due to the protein reducing the level of the hunger hormone ghrelin.
  • The B vitamins in turkey support efficient energy production which helps convert proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into usable energy.
  • The selenium in turkey is an essential component required for thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defense systems, and immune function.
  • Turkey also contains tryptophan which produces serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that helps improve your mood and provides calming properties that can aid in promoting sleep.

Nutrition Information in 1 serving –Turkey nutrition depends on the part of the turkey. For example, the darker meat found in the legs or thighs has more fat and calories than white meat. According to USDA, here are several turkey nutrition facts for the different types of cut:

Cut of TurkeyServing SizeCaloriesTotal Fat (g)Total Carbohydrates (g)Total of Protein (g)
Turkey Breast roasted3 oz1606024
Turkey drumstick roasted 3 oz17010023
Turkey Thigh roasted3 oz19010023

Best Uses of Turkey

It is best to consume whole turkey meat rather than consuming the processed turkey products since they can be loaded with sodium. These processed varieties can include sausages, turkey ham, and hot dogs. 

ground turkey couscous

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Cook Time: The internal temperature of turkey should reach 165F. This includes ground turkey, turkey tenderloins, and any other raw cut of turkey. 

  • If you are roasting a whole turkey at 350F, it will usually take about 15 minutes of cooking time for each pound when it is not stuffed. If the turkey is stuffed, it usually takes about 20 minutes per pound.
  • If you are cooking a smaller piece such as turkey tenderloin, it will take about 30-35 minutes at 400F.
  • If you are sauteeing ground turkey, it usually will take about 8 to 10 minutes.

History of Turkey

Turkey has long been a long staple food of Mayans, Aztecs, and other indigenous people of Mexico, Central America, and the southern parts of the United States. Turkey became a hit with Spanish explorers that they brought them back to Spain and eventually the birds were bred and domesticated in other areas of Europe. In Europe, people thought of turkeys as an expensive luxury food and were eaten on special occasions. As European settlers began to homestead America, they brought their domestic turkeys with them, however, they found the same birds running wild and free. Eventually, it is suggested that Ben Franklin wanted turkey to be the American bird because of its nutritious and wonderful taste that also had economic value for colonists. 

FAQ – About Turkey

  •  Why is turkey bad for you?
    • Consuming too much turkey that has been processed such as hot dogs, sausages, bacon, can have high amounts of sodium. Too much sodium in the diet can increase risks of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Go for fresh, lean, organic, and pasture-raised turkey. 
  • What is the chemical in turkey that makes you sleepy?
    • Turkey is often blamed for making you drowsy because it is packed with a nutrient called tryptophan. However, many other types of meat and protein products actually pack comparable amounts. Although tryptophan helps make a neurotransmitter called serotonin that can promote a slow-wave sleep, eating turkey does not translate the amplified serotonin production in the brain to cause sleepiness. Instead, what makes people sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner is the stretching of the small intestine that induces sleepiness and protein-fat loading of the stomach. This causes more blood to go to the gastrointestinal tract rather than the brain or other muscles. In addition, the nervous system conserves energy reducing heart rate, blood pressure while increasing salivation and gastric action for digestion.
  • .Is turkey better for you than beef?
    • Surprisingly there are not major nutritional differences between ground turkey and beef as long as you select the same ratio of lean to fat. The lower the fat content and the less saturated fat that you consume will help you lower your risk for heart disease.

Recipe Ideas for Turkey

Oven-Baked Turkey Tenderloin

This turkey tenderloin is braised in the oven with broth and aromatics such as celery, onions, and carrots. It is flavored with lots of garlic and thyme for ultimate flavor. A great alternative if you don’t want to roast a whole turkey.

turkey tenderloin

Turkey Soup

This soup is a gluten-free meal that comes together in one pot. It has turkey sausage, chicken stock, coconut milk, kale, potatoes, onions, and minced garlic. 

turkey soup

Stuffed Acorn Squash with Turkey

This is a great fall dinner recipe. Bake the acorn squash, meanwhile, saute the ground turkey. Once the turkey is cooked, place it in the middle of the squash and let it continue to bake in the oven.

turkey acorn squash

Here are some Turkey Recipes we think you may enjoy:

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Benefits of Blueberries

bagels and fruit

Blueberries are one of the top fruits that we often buy and eat because it’s just so tasty and convenient. There are many varieties and can range from sweet to tart and tangy. They vary in shades of dark blue to very dark purple. This fruit has amazing benefits with its combination of nutrients.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries have been appreciated for their unique anti-inflammatory phytonutrients which can help enhance immunity, internal cellular communication, and help repair DNA damage from exposure to toxins. Blueberries are a very good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese. They are also a good source of fiber and copper. 

Here are some health benefits:

  • In combination with other fruits, it can help blood sugar regulation and help improve insulin sensitivity. It is a low-calorie food that is classified as a low GI (Glycemic Index) fruit and has a good source of fiber. This combination helps improve sugar regulation.
  • Blueberries can help support brain health by improving cognitive function. Eating blueberries can protect against oxidative damage to the nerve cells. As a result, it can help improve nervous system responses.
  • Blueberries can help decrease oxidative stress and inflammation in blood vessels supporting blood pressure regulation.
  • This fruit can help lower the risk of cancer due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They can help inhibit the increase of cancer cells and also suppress tumors by inducing apoptosis (cell death).

Nutrition Information in 1 serving –One cup of blueberries has about 84 calories, 21g of carbohydrates, 3.6g of fiber, 1.1g of protein, and 0.5g fat.

Best Uses of Blueberries

Blueberries are so versatile that you can eat them for Breakfast, Lunch Dinner, snacks, and even dessert. You can freeze blueberries and save them for smoothies. You can also bake them in muffins or scones. They are also perfect additions to salads. 

fruit coleslaw

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Dairy Freex 
Low Caloriex 
Alkaline x
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Cook Time: Blueberries can be enjoyed fresh, and they actually retain their maximum amount of nutrients when they are not cooked. 

History of Blueberries

Although blueberries can be found in many countries such as Europe, Asia, and South America, it is most native to North America than any other continent. Blueberries were not considered the superfood that they are today. The commercial cultivation of blueberries started with the daughter of a New Jersey cranberry farmer who partnered up with a USDA botanist. They were able to develop a variety of modern blueberry varieties, and eventually many started to appreciate this tasty fruit.

FAQ – About Blueberries

  •  How to Select and store?
    • Buy blueberries that move freely in the container. This will indicate that they are firm and not mushy. You’ll often find a whitish bloom on the exterior. This is actually okay because this acts as a barrier against insects and bacteria and helps seal in the fruit’s moisture. It is also a sign of freshness. Ensure that they are free from water to prevent it from decaying quickly. When purchasing frozen berries, make sure that they are not clumped together as this may indicate that they have already been thawed and refrozen. Store the blueberries in the refrigerator and don’t wash the berries until right before eating as rinsing will remove the protective bloom barrier and cause it to decay quickly. However, if you plan to freeze blueberries, it is recommended to wash and drain the berries and place them in a sealed container for storage in the freezer. 
  • What happens if you eat blueberries everyday?
    • Consuming blueberries as part of a balanced meal can help boost immunity and reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. They can also help lower the risk of cancer.
  • .Can blueberries help you lose weight?
    • Blueberries are low calorie and have a good amount of fiber that can help you feel full longer. They are also a great option if you have a sweet tooth to help satisfy those sweet cravings. 

Recipe Ideas for Blueberries

Blueberry Frozen Yogurt Bars

To satisfy the sweet tooth, blend together frozen berries with yogurt, and lemon juice. Place them in muffin pans and freeze them for about 30 to 45 minutes. These simple ingredients make for a quick healthy dessert. 

blueberry frozen yogurt

Blueberry Muffin Bars

Add frozen berries to muffin batter with rolled oats. They pack the texture of a muffin and a bar that makes for a great breakfast, snack, or even a sweet treat.

blueberry muffin

Smoked Salmon and Fruit Salad

Add fresh blueberries as a salad topper. The fresh bites of blueberries pair deliciously with this smoked, fresh strawberries, and creamy avocado. All these ingredients make for a heart-healthy salad. Check out the recipe here

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Benefits of Garlic


Garlic is a great herb to add flavor to many meals. It’s in the same Allium family as onions, shallots, leeks, and chives which all contribute to their pungent aroma and flavor. However, it does more than add fragrant flavors to your favorite dishes. Garlic is actually loaded with vitamins and minerals that provide health benefits that have been recognized for centuries.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is loaded with many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, selenium, and calcium to name a few. However, the sulfur compounds in garlic are what have been shown to provide health benefits for our systems such as the cardiovascular system, immune system, inflammatory system, and detoxification system. Keep in mind, most of the studies show the health benefits usually occur when taking high doses of a supplement. Most recent studies are suggesting that it would take approximately 4 to 6 raw cloves consumed at least 1 to 3 times a week to reap measurable benefits. However, adding this ingredient to your daily meals, along with other Allium vegetables such as onions and leeks, over a period of time can help.

Here are some health benefits:

  • Garlic has been known to reduce the hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis).
  • Some studies also suggest that it can act as an anticoagulant reducing the risk of heart attacks. It increases the production of nitric oxide which keeps blood vessels relaxed and prevents platelets from binding to proteins reducing blood clots. 
  • Some studies show that taking garlic may reduce total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which is known as the “bad” cholesterol in people with high cholesterol levels. However, it takes a long period of time to let the vitamins and minerals build up in your body.
  • Garlic can also contribute to lowering blood pressure by its ability to widen blood vessels. The sulfurous compounds have also been shown to inhibit cancerous cells and block tumors by slowing DNA replication.

Nutrition Information in 1 serving –One raw clove has about 4.5 calories, 1 g of carbohydrates, 0.2g of protein, and 0 fat.  

Best Uses of Garlic

Garlic is a great addition to marinades, sauces, and salad dressings. It adds tons of flavors to soups, roasted veggies, and stir-fries. It is also a tasty spread after roasting it in olive oil.

green vegetables

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Dairy Freex 
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Allergy Friendlyx 
Low Carbx 

Cook Time: Heat oil on medium heat and add the garlic. Garlic usually cooks in less than 30 seconds. You’ll know it is cooking when you can smell the garlic and your mouth starts to water. Garlic cooks very quickly so keep stirring to avoid burning it. Most health benefits come from raw garlic due to allicin which is most potent briefly after it has been chopped or crushed. It is destroyed by temperatures over 140 degrees, therefore, if you want to add it to hot meals, add it at the end of the cooking process to limit the loss of health benefits.

beef stir fry

History of Garlic

Historical records show that garlic has been cultivated 5000 years ago and found in ancient Egypt, India, and China. As of today, China is the largest commercial producer of garlic, followed by India, South Korea, South Korea, Egypt, and Russia.  

FAQ-About Garlic

  •  How to Select and store?
    • Buying fresh garlic will give you the best flavor and maximum health benefits. Avoid buying garlic that is soft. Gently squeeze the garlic bulb between your fingers to check if it is firm. Store it at room temperature uncovered in a cool dark place away from heat and sunlight. We recommend finding large bulbs as they are easier to peel and chop than the smaller cloves. The whole garlic bulb can keep fresh for about a month. Once you break it up, it greatly reduces its shelf life, so be sure to use it in the next few days.
  • What are tips for preparing garlic?
    • You will want to separate the individual cloves by removing the layers of skin that hold the bulb together. Then, you will peel the garlic by placing it on a cutting board and using the flat side of a wide knife, and gently tapping it. Start peeling the skin with your fingers. Slice it, mince it, or just crush it whole and add it to your recipes towards the end of the cooking to better retain the flavor and also maintain the most amount of nutrients 
  • Are there any safety issues with garlic?
    • Ingesting raw garlic may cause indigestion, flatulence, and diarrhea if taken in high doses.

Recipe Ideas for Garlic


Use garlic in marinades to add yummy garlicky flavors to your poultry, meats, and seafood. For example, you can mince cloves and add it to a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, and fresh herbs. Place it on top of the salmon and veggies and bake it in the oven.

salmon and asparagus

Add to Soups

Save the steps of chopping garlic. You can actually add peeled, whole cloves directly into the soups. Over time, the soup will release the garlic’s sweet flavors. We paired it with sun-dried tomatoes in this creamy Tuscan chicken soup.

chicken soup

Roast the Garlic

One of the best ways to add flavor to a classic side dish, such as mashed potatoes, is to add roasted garlic. Cut the top of the bulb and drizzle it with olive oil. Wrap it in foil and bake it in the oven at 400F for 45 minutes until it turns soft and creamy. After it has cooked, let it cool, and squeeze it out of the bulbs. Mix it in with mashed potatoes along with your favorite seasonings and herbs. 

chicken and mashed potatoes

Here are some recipes that incorporate garlic that we think you’ll enjoy:

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