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Meal Prepping Hacks

food in meal prepping hack jars

Meal prepping hacks can save you time, money, and keep you on your meal plan for longer. There are a lot of tips and tricks that you pick up along the way so we want to share them with you to assist in your meal prepping endeavors. They’re simple but take time to work into your routine so you’ll get better as you get more experience.

Take It Slow

When you first get into meal prepping, it’s common to want to make massive meals that you portion out into an entire week’s worth of breakfast, lunch and dinners. Take it slow at first and discover recipes that you enjoy, want to eat over and over again, and can handle reheating. A big discouragement early on in your meal prepping is throwing out half of what you make because you get bored of it, don’t like it as much as you thought or it goes bad. Work into a routine with a repertoire of great meal prepping recipes.

Organize Your Fridge

This is simple but it can make a world of difference when you’re meal prepping a lot of meals, either for yourself or for your family. Keep your fridge organized. Organize your meals, ingredients, and components so that you can keep track of your timeline, meal order, and cooking schedule. This helps avoid food waste which is discouraging in meal prep since it just wastes time and money. The opposite of your goals. Go left to right for the most recently cooked or front to back remembering “First In, First Out”. Don’t bury your older meals with newer meals up front. It’ll get confusing and make it a hassle in the mornings when you’re running out the door to work.

Also, as we always say at Prep Yo Self, label your containers. Once you start stacking meals and meal components in your fridge and freezer you will lose track of what’s what. Keep yourself motivated by staying organized.

Choose Good Meal Prepping Recipes

This is probably the toughest meal prepping hack to get right. Do your best to stick to recipes that work well for meal prepping. That means that the meal can be portioned out, freezes well, reheats well, and most importantly can be diversified. Some meals require specific storage arrangements while others can easily be stored in a single container. Try out different recipes and you’ll soon discover meals that you enjoy, can cook easily, and are delicious.

Write Out Your Grocery List

This is the most common meal prepping hack, and for good reason. Choose your recipes, make a list of the ingredients that you need and the amounts. This can help you design a meal prepping plan that uses the same ingredients to avoid food waste. This can also help you save money by avoiding unnecessary grocery purchases and by selecting recipes with ingredients that are affordable. Sometimes this means buying seasonal ingredients so pay attention to what you can actually find at your grocery store before picking recipes if you can.

Start A Schedule

Meal prepping works best with a plan. From the recipes that you choose to the grocery store trip, a schedule can keep you on track and running out of prepped food for the week or making too much. Portioning food out and scheduling which meal is for which day can also help you balance your nutrition and avoid burning out on the same recipes over and over again.

Make Multi-Purpose Sauces

One of the best meal prepping hacks is making sauces that work for many different recipes. A good sauce can transform a meal. If the sauce can be frozen or lasts a long time, this is a great way to improve your meals’ flavors and meal prep cooking time. Tomato sauces go great on a variety of pastas, a simple vinaigrette is a great salad dressing or chicken and roasted veggies sauce. These simple additions to your meal elevates the flavor and speeds up the prep time by removing a component that you have to make every time. Pull a jar from the fridge, pour some on top and you’ve created a whole new dish.

Focus on Versatile Ingredients

Proteins are easy to mix and match. Think about your vegetable choices and how you can use them for different recipes. This makes grocery shopping easier and cheaper. It also gives you the flexibility to mix up your routine mid week if you find yourself getting bored of a recipe. Try experimenting with recipes and switching out the ingredients in the list for ingredients that you know you have and like.

Prep Your Veggies

vegetables being prepared for meal prepping hacks

Preparing your vegetables ahead of the cook can speed up the process later. Especially if you’re planning to cook a meal in the middle of the week. Get your vegetables cleaned, chopped, or anything else that you can do ahead of time so you will be more motivated to actually cook the meal on a Wednesday night after a long day.

Consider Easy To Cook Components

This meal prepping hack can save you a lot of time and keep you on your routine when you find yourself too busy or tired to cook an entire feast. Use frozen bagged vegetables and fruits. They will keep for much longer, are generally cheaper, and if you know how to reheat them, taste just as good as fresh fruits and veggies. Bagged broccoli, carrots, pineapples, berries. These are all great choices and can be dropped into a blender for a quick and nutritious smoothie.

Also don’t forget about the offerings at your local grocery store. If they have rotisserie chickens or a deli section, use the premade options. It’s not as cheap or sometimes as healthy but it’s better than breaking your routine and eating out. It can also help you discover new recipes if you’re not comfortable cooking a certain ingredient.

Leverage Appliances

Pressure cookers, crock pots, air fryers, and traditional ovens are all great choices. These appliances are here to make your life easier. They can help make cooking easier, faster and in some cases improve your bulk cooking options.

One Pan or Pot Recipes

A great meal prepping hack is to look for “One Pan” or “One Pot” recipes. These recipes tend to be delicious, easy to learn, and most importantly, easy to clean up. Throw some chicken and veggies on a sheet pan with a drizzle of olive oil and 40 minutes later you can dinner for a few days. The best part is that the clean up is minimal. A big part of meal prepping is to be more efficient with your time and finding hacks to decrease the boring steps in the kitchen make cooking more fun.

Bag Smoothie Mixes

Mixed smoothies only last for so long before they start to separate and go bad. The blended veggies and fruits go bad so much quicker. The solution is to prepare the smoothie mixes beforehand but don’t blend until you’re ready to drink it. This also helps with portion control.

Stack Your Salads Upside Down

The last of the meal prepping hacks is a great way to store your premade salads to retain freshness. When you’re adding your salad to your food storage containers, add the dressing first. This way the dressing rests at the bottom and the rest of the ingredients can go on top. This prevents the vegetables and other components from going soggy as quickly and it’s easy to shake it up right before eating for a fresh, tossed salad.

Meal prepping hacks can make a big difference in your enjoyment of the food and greatly increase the efficiency. Both of those are more likely to make you stick with your schedule more often and for longer.

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Try out our weekly meal plans with tasty recipes. We make your shopping list and show you how to prep your meals.

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Tips For Freezing Meals

foods in freezing containers ready for storage

Knowing the tips for freezing meals is important when getting into meal prepping. Cooking meals in large batches and making food for the whole week could lead to a lot of freezing food. It’s a great way to make meals last longer for both food safety and quality. This is also very helpful for saving money as you’ll waste less money throwing old food out. Finding what works best for you and your meal preferences are key and these tips are to help get the best results. Take it easy at first to avoid throwing out a lot of meals a few months from now and this will help pick the right ingredients.

Finding The Freezer Space

You’ve probably bought or frozen your own fair share of meals already so you have a good understanding of how much you can fit in your freezer. This tip for freezing meals becomes especially important as you start cooking in larger amounts to meal prep through the weeks and months. It’s frustrating to realize that much of what you have cooked can’t fit and you’ll have to either eat it, give it away or throw it out. Before you start planning your meals, check your freezer space and remember to not absolutely fill  your freezer as it’s not good for freezing food and it’s difficult to find your meals later. Stay organized and give yourself space to move stuff around.

freezer full of meal prepped food

Alongside making sure you have the space for all of your frozen food, make sure you have the right containers ready for the types of food you are making and will also fit in your freezer. Freezer bags are a great choice since they’re cheap, can be flattened if it’s soup, reheating is easy, and you can squeeze all of the air out more easily than in a rigid container. Air tight containers are also incredibly important. One to avoid freezer burn but also to avoid your foods taking on the flavors of the other foods in your freezer. It seems weird to think about but food will absorb the flavors of other foods nearby when they’re left for days or weeks.

Remember to label your frozen meals with a name and date. Frozen foods should typically be consumed within 3 months, depending on what it is. Labeling your food will avoid so many questions and potentially harmful meals down the road. It’s easy to forget what you made and when and it’s better to be prepared than questioning. 

Reheating Foods

Never put hot food directly in your freezer for multiple reasons. Hot food can heat up the food around it in the freezer and this can lead to contamination or just a lower quality frozen meal. Portion out foods for faster cooling which can also help with freezing meal size portions which also makes reheating easier too.

Never take glass or Pyrex food containers directly from the freezer to the oven. The temperature difference can crack or shatter the glass. This is a great way to ruin the container, the meal and potentially your oven so take this tip for freezing meals to heart. Let the container sit out at room temperature or run lukewarm water over the container to warm it up at first. Thawing the food can also help retain the quality when reheating. Just like with cooking, if you have to melt the outside first, it’ll be burnt by the time you cook the insides. (Except with frozen soups, you can get away with a lot with frozen soups.)

When reheating foods, remember that you have to bring all foods back up to a safe internal temp. 

Tips For Freezing Meals

Freezing foods can be tricky if you’re not helping yourself out with recipe choices. Some recipes simply do better frozen and reheated than others. Let’s start with what not to freeze.

Do Not Freeze – Food with a lot of moisture or have a texture that is important to the experience

  • Yogurt: Yogurt has a lot of moisture and a creamy texture. Freezing yogurt will split it and create a very unpleasant experience.
  • Watery produce: Think zucchini, cucumbers, oranges, herbs and raw tomatoes for good examples. These fruits and vegetables rely on the water that they contain to impart flavor and a desirable eating experience. Freezing these will break up the flesh, leak, overall ruin the dish.
  • Leafy greens: Just like with produce, leafy greens have a lot of moisture so freezing them will dry them out as well as remove that freshness that is desired.
  • Cheese: Cheese has a lot of moisture in it. You wouldn’t necessarily think so but dried out cheese is gross and flavorless. If you’ve even left a block of cheese in the fridge for too long you’ll know what this looks like and the freezer just does it quicker.
  • Uncooked mushrooms & potatoes: If you’re going to meal prep with mushrooms and potatoes make sure to choose a recipe that uses cooked or dried mushrooms and potatoes. It’s better to do this in a controlled way as the freezer will just squeeze the juice out and leave the vegetables sitting in their own liquid.
  • Previously frozen meals: avoid adding thawed chicken to a meal that will be frozen before it’s cooked. If you’re thoroughly cooking the entire dish it will be fine. Or keep them separate and add the cooked chicken at the end.

Tips for freezing foods you should freeze

  • Proteins: Shredded proteins like pulled pork, shredded chicken or cut up steak all freeze well. The size is generally uniform, smaller and the texture that they have won’t be ruined in the freezer. Big pieces of protein won’t reheat as well and usually cost a lot of money so you’ll end up wasting the money and the food. 
  • Fruits and veggies: cook or dry your fruits and veggies before freezing. Also freeze these separately from the other parts of the meal. You want to preserve that subtle flavor and mixing it with other foods can just lead to every bite tasting the same. Also consider adding fresh fruits or veggies to a frozen meal for a better result.
  • Carbohydrates: Many people freeze bread to make it last longer and dry carbs freeze very well. Try to avoid freezing pasta noodles in a soup or sauce as the pasta noodles will fall apart. If you know you’re freezing the meal you can also undercook your pasta before freezing so reheating finishes the cooking time.
  • Sauces: Sauces can take a long time to make and are great for meal prepping since you can throw fresh veggies a protein into a sauce and have a delicious meal that takes less than 15 minutes. Sauces also don’t rely on texture and can be frozen in any container to fit the space you have in your freezer.
  • Soups: Soups freeze very well. For similar reasons as the sauces. There are more textures in soups and certain ingredients will lose some rigidity and texture (like potatoes) but for the most part most soups reheat perfectly deliciously.

Recipes That Freeze Well

Try some of our recipes that freeze and reheat well for quick, nutritious and delicious meals throughout your busy week.

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Try out our weekly meal plans with tasty recipes. We make your shopping list and show you how to prep your meals.

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Tips For Meal Prepping in Batches

glass meal prep containers filled with chicken meatball lettuce wraps - meal prepping in batches

Cooking can be very time consuming and laborious however it doesn’t have to be. With these tips for meal prepping in batches, or batch cooking, you can be more efficient with delicious meals. 

Meal prepping in batches involves making large portions of entire meals or parts of meals so that you can enjoy them later with minimal work. Good batch cooking can benefit from proper preparation and making the right choices. From the recipes you choose to the appliances you cook with, can all make a difference. As you get more comfortable, you can discover how helpful it is to have so much food ready so easily.

Choosing the right recipes

Pick the right recipes and plan your grocery shopping around it

Some recipes lend themselves to batch cooking better than others. Recipes or ingredients that require precise cooking, attention or a lot of space may not be the best choices for batch cooking. Also foods that do not store or reheat well, are not the easiest to cook in batches.

Stew, Chili, casseroles and pasta dishes are all great choices for meal prepping in batches. These dishes can be made completely and portioned out for reheating later. They also reheat well without a worry for loss in texture. These recipes are also typically easy to scale up since as long as the ratios are the same, and you have a large enough dish to cook them in, you can easily make more than the original recipe.

Individual meal components can also be great choices for batch cooking. Roasted veggies and proteins like chicken can be a great way to cook parts of a meal that you can later mix and match. This is a great choice if you’re looking for more of a mix of textures or flavors.

Invest in quality food storage containers

Meal prepping in batches only works if you have the storage containers to store the abundant portions. There are a lot of options here, especially based on what kind of meal you decide to cook. Soups can be stored in plastic bags, remember to let it cool completely before transferring to a plastic bag. If you have more individual containers, see our article on the best meal prepping containers, you can portion out the batch meal into individual meals and store them perfectly ready to go.

Having appropriately sized storage containers can help a lot with portion control as well as reheating efficiently. Trying to reheat a large portion can lead to uneven temperatures in your food or become a pain to deal with. 

Good storage containers can last you a long time and help a lot. If you’re meal prepping in batches, it’s recommended to make the investment and get containers that can handle a lot of freezing and reheating.

Utilize your entire kitchen

A nice trick to meal prepping in batches is to leverage multiple cooking appliances at the same time. This can save you a lot of time and prepare meals that are very different. This quickly creates a lot of food so make sure you’re prepared with storage containers. Using the oven, the stove top and a slow cooker at the same time is a lot to juggle so consider your cooking times and plan out the steps carefully.


Meal prepping in batches can also make it easier to manage portions. This is one of the most important considerations for staying healthy. Properly setting portions will assist in planning out nutrients and calories. This starts with the recipe choice and the grocery store trip. Plan early and as you get more comfortable with batch cooking you will learn how much food each recipe will make.

Freeze extra portions

The freezer is one of the best ways to store foods, especially soups. Frozen food doesn’t last forever but it can last a long while. Always be sure to check how long certain foods last, remember that it’s not an exact science, if it doesn’t smell right don’t eat it. Freezing and reheating can really affect textures as well so some foods do not handle freezing well. 

Make sure to invest in good containers that can seal air tight. Containers that leave gaps can ruin the food inside with either freezer burn or the food can pick up the flavors of the foods around it in the freezer. This can be very gross. I would also recommend that you choose a food storage container that can freeze and reheat all in one since trying to get frozen foods out of a container can be frustrating.

Label and date containers

This seems unnecessary but if you start meal prepping in batches often, you may start to overlap your meals or if you freeze soups, you can quickly lose track of what was made or when. Especially frozen meals. A quick tape label can help you keep your fridge clean down the line and avoid food waste.

Plan for variety

meal prepping in batches

Meal prepping in batches can be extremely helpful since it efficiently makes large amounts of food. Ideally with recipes that freeze well so you don’t have to eat the same meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next week. The next trick is to choose recipes that can be mixed and matched. Cooking large portions of parts of meals is very helpful in avoiding meal burnout. Cooking the protein, veggies and other sides separately, storing them separately or in containers with dividers can lead to amazing discoveries in combinations you wouldn’t have normally thought of. This also makes it easier to test out what works for you.

Start meal prepping in batches with these awesome recipes

Most Popular Instant Pot Recipes

Instant Pots are a great way to cook delicious meals, so we pulled together our most popular instant pot recipes. It’s easy to cook and clean, fast and the flavors slow cooking releases are amazing. This is a fantastic addition to any kitchen as it really opens up the types of recipes that you can cook.

Top 10 Meal Prep Beef Recipes

Beef is a staple in every chef’s kitchen so we put together a list of our Top 10 Meal Prep Beef Recipes. Beef is a versatile protein that works well across cuisines and meal prep recipes as it reheats well and lasts in the kitchen. There are so many cuts of beef that there are endless possibilities. Beef is also a popular ingredient for meal prep as it’s easy to cook, making it a great option for cooks with less experience. It’s very forgiving and still tastes great!

Top 10 Meal Prep Chicken Recipes

Chicken is an amazingly versatile and healthy ingredient with a delicious flavor so we pulled our top 10 meal prep chicken recipes into a convenient list. Our chicken recipes come from many cuisines to provide a ton of variety, with easy cooking instructions. Don’t know where to start or getting fatigued on your current meal plan, discover some of the top rated Prep Yo Self meal prep chicken recipes.

Free Weekly Meal Plans

Try out our weekly meal plans with tasty recipes. We make your shopping list and show you how to prep your meals.

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Best Meal Prepping Containers

Containers are one of the most important parts of meal prepping. They are what allow for food to be portioned out, stored and reheated later. There are a ton of options out there for storing food and everyone can have different needs so we put together a short list of some of the best meal prepping containers.

From price to size and material, there are a lot of ways to consider your container needs. Do you want a set that will last you for years or do you prefer containers that you can lose or break and not worry about? Also consider what kind of food you like to meal prep. Some containers may work better for portioning out vegetables, proteins and fruits, keeping your food from mixing too much. Reheating is another consideration. If you plan to microwave your food in the container you may want to use a dish with sturdier materials to avoid staining, warping or destroying it by constantly microwaving it. Lastly, the lid. Different lids provide different solutions to the same problem. High quality meal prep containers tend to have stronger lids and that may be important for you if you carry your food in a bag that can tip it over.

This list of the best meal prepping containers includes a variety of types and having different sets can be extremely helpful when you’re mixing up your recipe routine or forget to do the dishes.

1. Glass Lock Oven Safe Storage Containers

If you’re looking for high quality, durable and versatile meal prepping containers, Glass Lock provides a great product. The Tempermax glass means you can store meals in these containers in the freezer, pull them out and heat them up in the oven without using other dishes. This is incredibly convenient for the cooking and the cleaning. The lid is not oven safe but does come with locking flaps that provide a strong seal on the containers. Glass Lock containers are a great choice for meal preppers who make a lot of meals at once, take their food to work everyday or want a product that will stick around and be usable for years.

GLASSLOCK 24 Piece Oven/Microwave Safe Glass Meal Prep Containers

Price: $55

  • It comes with various size and shape and each shape has been designed to nest and stack to keep your kitchen organized and fresh.
  • TEMPERMAX technology gives high thermal resistance so it can be used from freezer to oven. With excellent durability, airtight & leak proof function, Glasslock guarantees the freshness of your food.

Shop Glasslock meal prep containers

2. Rubbermaid Fresh Works Storage Containers

The Rubbermaid Fresh Works containers are more niche however anyone who stores veggies and fruits in the fridge often knows how difficult it is to keep them at just the right freshness so they’re delicious and have a great texture. These containers have a built in air vent that helps keep your vegetables crisp and your fruits succulent. The filter doesn’t require changing so don’t worry about on-going costs.

These containers may not be as versatile as some of the other containers on this list but fruits and vegetables don’t last long and can cost a lot so anything helps. It’s great to keep a couple of these around, especially if you are struggling to eat all of your fruits and veg before you have to throw them out.

Rubbermaid 6-Piece Produce Saver Meal Prep Containers

Price: $28

  • KEEP PRODUCE FRESHER LONGER: Rubbermaid FreshWorks Produce Saver uses FreshVent technology to regulate airflow, so your produce stays fresher longer.
  • BUILT-IN FILTER: The built-in FreshVent filter in these Rubbermaid containers regulates the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide to create the optimal environment for your fresh produce; the filter lasts a lifetime—no refills needed
  • EASY TO USE: Simply place unwashed and uncut produce in the FreshWorks container and place container in the fridge; FreshWorks works best when only one type of produce is stored in a container
  • SPACE SAVING: Modular, space-efficient design for easy kitchen organization; bases nest inside each other, and one lid fits multiple bases

Shop Rubbermaid 6-Piece Meal Prep Containers

3. Pyrex Large Containers

Pyrex is a famous brand of kitchen cookware and containers. They provide some of the best meal prepping containers and products. We highly recommend having a set of these in the kitchen. Everyone is bound to use these at some point. Whether you’re a serious meal prepper or end up with leftovers from a restaurant, these containers are a great choice. They work in the freezer and the oven so their usability rating is high. Just make sure to remove the lid before sticking it in the oven.

Pyrex has also become a very affordable brand with the same level of quality. They’re tough to break and reheat food very evenly.

Pyrex Storage 4 Cup Round Dish, Pack of 4 Containers

Price: $29

  • MADE IN USA – There is Nothing like American Quality, American Design, American Work; Support local workers
  • QUALITY – The quality of items made right here in the USA are not comparable to items made elsewhere; BPA free; Plastic Cover is dishwasher safe (top rack only)
  • Pyrex containers with lids will help your food stay fresh for a longer while thus eliminating food waste; Ideal for refrigerator and freezer storage or taking food on the go

Shop Pyrex 4 Cup Round Dish Meal Prep Container Set

4. Ziploc Reusable Bags

Most everyone has used Ziploc bags before. The problem is that after one use, you throw them out. You end up going through an unnecessary amount of plastic waste. Tupperware solves that problem but those are hard containers that don’t always fit the needs. Like including them in a lunch box. That’s a job for plastic bags but not just regular plastic bags. The reusable plastic bags from Ziploc will save you money and the environment. They’re dishwasher safe, durable, tight sealing and can handle an amazing range of temperatures. This is one of the few, if not only, plastic bags that is freezer and oven safe. We highly recommend you keeping a set of these in the kitchen for lunch snacks or entire meals.

Ziploc Endurables, Reusable Silicone Bags, 2 Pack

Price: $20

  • Ziploc Endurables seamlessly go from freezer, to oven, to table – to anywhere you go
  • Durable, reusable silicone, Small Container holds up to 2 cups and features a wide base with feet to help with standing and filling
  • Cool Grab Tabs allow for easy handling after heating
  • Secure Seal Technology helps prevent spills
  • Heat Safe silicone can be used in temperatures up to 425°F

Shop Ziploc Endurable Meal Prep Containers

5. Glad Freezer Containers

These are some of the most iconic and classic meal prepping containers. Gladware has been around for a while and their affordable and durable plastic containers are what most people have in the kitchen. They do the job pretty well and is a good option if you don’t want to risk losing more expensive containers at work or on a day trip.

Gladware freezer containers are a good all around choice however there are limitations in how hot you can get them unlike the glass containers.

Gladware Freezerware Food Storage Containers Bundle

Price: $18

  • BUNDLE – This Gladware Freezerware bundle includes (4) 24 oz containers and (2) 64 oz Containers for food
  • AIRTIGHT FOOD STORAGE CONTAINERS – Airtight food storage containers extend the lifetime of your leftovers and reduce mess. Perfect for the meal prep maven.
  • FREEZE LEFTOVERS WITH FREEZERWARE – Keep your large leftovers frozen and freezer-burn-free in these large, reusable containers.
  • TOP-RACK DISHWASHER SAFE – Gladware food containers resist heat and withstand moisture, making them safe to use on the top-rack of your dishwasher.
  • INTERLOCKING LIDS – Stackable containers and lids keep your cupboards neat and organized, saving you time and space

Shop for Farberware Nonstick Oven Pans

6. Prep Naturals Snack Containers

Similar to the Glass Lock containers, the Prep Naturals meal prepping containers are amazing. They’re high quality, can handle the freezer, microwave and oven. The lids use a similar locking flap for an airtight seal and they look stunning. One big difference is the compartments in these containers which may be important to you if you like to pack meals that have separate components. This set is more affordable than the Glass Lock but you can be sure that these containers will last just as long. Prep Natural is a brand designed for meal preppers and it shows in the product.

Prep Naturals Glass Meal Prep Containers

Price: $30

  • Save time and money – If you’re looking for an easy way to save money and time, Prep Naturals meal prep containers glass 2 compartment are the solution. Handsome and easy to use, these glass meal prep containers with lids are perfect cupcake carriers.
  • Easy to warm or freeze – made from borosilicate glass, the food storage containers are freezable, microwavable and oven safe. As a bonus, the smart locking lids with vents of the glass food prep containers make your food warming a breeze. (lids are not microwave, oven or dishwasher safe)

Shop Prep Naturals Glass Meal Prep Containers

7. Small Containers for Sauces

No one ever thinks about sauce containers until they find themselves prepping a meal that needs a sauce to stay separate and there is no space for it in the tupperware container. Most people just carry around an entire bottle of sauce with them. Which is a solution but not an elegant one. Also, home made sauces will need their own container. Often the sauce gets an entire full size container to itself. These stainless steel containers with lids are an awesome solution. You can carry them separately from the rest of the food with the leak-proof lid or pop the little cup into the same container as the food but keeping the sauce from coating the food prematurely. The cute, colorful lids also help keep the sauces distinguished from one another if you have mutliple.

[8 Pack] Reusable Stainless Steel, 2.4oz

Price: $12

  • PORTABLE SIZE : Each features 2.6” x 1.7”. and 2.4oz(70ml). Perfect Size for packing sauces, salad dressings, peanut butter, jams, dressings, snacks, etc.
  • RELIABLE MATERIAL: The small containers with lids are made of high quality 18/8 stainless steel and food grade safe silicone, BPA free, non-toxic. It can completely replace disposable containers and avoid environmental pollution caused by them. Totally dishwasher and fridge safe.
  • 100% LEAKPROOF : The upgraded silicone lids provide better air-tightness to keep the dipping condiment cups sealed and keep the sauce or condiment inside fresh. No spills or leaks would happened in your bag!

Shop Reusable Stainless Steel Meal Prep Containers

Additional Recommendations

Choose the right containers: Opt for containers that are microwave-safe, leak-proof, and stackable. Glass or BPA-free plastic containers are good options. Select containers in various sizes to accommodate different meal portions.

Portion out your meals: Use the containers to divide your meals into individual servings. Start with a base like cooked grains or pasta, add protein, and then include vegetables and sauces. Ensure that each container has a balanced combination of macronutrients.

Label and date containers: To keep track of your meals, label each container with the meal type and the date it was prepared. This helps you prioritize the meals and ensures you consume them before they expire.

Store properly: Place your meal prepping containers in the refrigerator or freezer, depending on the shelf life of the ingredients. Keep them organized by arranging them neatly and stacking them to save space.

Reheat with caution: If your containers are microwave-safe, you can heat your meals directly in them. However, be sure to remove any lids or covers that are not microwave-safe. Alternatively, transfer the food to a microwave-safe dish for reheating.

Maintain food safety: Remember to follow proper food safety guidelines when using meal prepping containers. Ensure that your ingredients are fresh and properly cooked before assembling the meals. Store perishable items at safe temperatures and consume them within the recommended time frame.

Free Weekly Meal Plans

Try out our weekly meal plans with tasty recipes. We make your shopping list and show you how to prep your meals.

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Air Fryer Cooking Tips

air fryer cooking tips - air fryer meal prep

The air fryer is one of our favorite cooking appliances and gets used multiple times a week, every week. Air fryer cooking achieves crispy exteriors with thoroughly cooked interiors – easily, quickly and without making a big mess. Conventional ovens are still necessary for a lot of recipes but for small batches, the air fryer is a great choice.

We’re not the only ones either. The Air fryer has taken over cooking blogs and social media recipes. Since this appliance is so popular and so new, we thought that many home chefs would benefit from some helpful air fryer cooking tips. Air fryers can be different so we would recommend you look into your exact model and brand.

1. Preheat the air fryer

Just like the conventional oven, preheating your air fryer will improve the quality of your cook. This helps cook the food more evenly and if you are following a timed recipe, will also make sure the food has been thoroughly cooked. Since otherwise the time it takes to get up to temp will not be effectively cooking.

2. Check if your food is thoroughly cooked

Air fryers cook at different temperatures and with a different method so even if you’re following a recipe, check to see if the food is done. The same rules apply to air fryers as to the conventional oven. Check internal temperatures or cut the food in half to be sure. Different models and brands also cook differently so even an air fryer recipe may have some variation in it.

3. Air fryers run hot

Air fryers typically cook at higher temperatures than a conventional oven, up to 25°F (15°C). We recommend that you adjust your temperatures when following a recipe meant for an oven or risk over cooking your food.

4. Don’t crowd the basket

This is the toughest one for me. I always want to fit just a little more into the basket but it’s not a good idea. The food needs to have space around it so that the hot air of the “air fryer” can envelop it. If you overcrowd your air fryer you risk an even cook, food that isn’t cooked thoroughly or just unpleasant textures (no crisp on your nuggets)

5. Go light on the oil

Air fryers need less oil so use a light coating of oil sprayed on the food. This helps with getting a crispy texture. Test different amounts for different foods to find what works best for you but remember you can always add oil. Also consider getting a spray bottle that you can fill with oil rather than using store bought aerosol oils.

6. Easily stick-able foods

Parchment paper and non-stick spray can be life savers, or at least food savers, when working with foods that tend to stick to the cooking surface. Delicate foods like fish can easily get torn up when trying to get it off of the basket bottom. Think ahead and save yourself a lot of headache.

7. Flip halfway

Just like with the overcrowding of the food tip, making sure that every part of the food has good circulation around it is key for an even cook. This means that halfway through giving the basked a good shake or flip will help with getting the bottoms as evenly cooked as the top. This is a key air fryer cooking tip for making better food.

8. Preheat individual ingredients

The air fryer is amazing but it’s not magical. Some frozen foods, doughs, and other foods need a bit of thawing or preheating before they are air fried.

9. Clean the air fryer

Air fryers are small, are used often, and have oily air circulating. This means it’s much more important to clean the appliance regularly and properly. Look your brand up online or follow the instructions provided when you unboxed it. Air fryers do not clean themselves.

10. Experiment

Air fryers are versatile cooking appliances. They can open up a lot of options and they’re so easy and quick that it’s not a big endeavor to test. The air fryer also cooks differently than conventional ovens and microwaves so you may find some amazing combinations of flavors and textures that you couldn’t achieve before.

With these air fryer cooking tips you are all set to make the best air fryer food. We recommend that you start here with some of our favorite air fryer recipes.

All Air Fryer Recipes

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Most Popular Instant Pot Recipes

most popular instant pot recipes

Instant Pots are a great way to cook delicious meals, so we pulled together our most popular instant pot recipes. It’s easy to cook and clean, fast and the flavors slow cooking releases are amazing. This is a fantastic addition to any kitchen as it really opens up the types of recipes that you can cook.

We love and use our instant pot regularly for pressure-cooking our proteins and soups. Pressure cooking lets you cook tough cuts of protein faster without worrying about burning the meat. Soups are so easy as well. You can add your ingredients and walk away for the entire time it’s cooking. It makes life so much easier. Please enjoy our curated list and check back for new instant pot recipes.

1. Instant Pot Barbacoa Beef

Barbacoa beef is delicious, tender, and incredibly versatile. Barbacoa is typically made with beef, goat, or lamb and traditionally seasoned with chilies and spices for an authentically Mexican flavor. You can add this instant pot barbacoa beef to any kind of meal, next to rice, tacos, or on top of salads.

The instant pot is a great way to prepare this beef recipe as the pressure cooker function lets you cook it thoroughly and quickly. This method also makes the beef tender and seasoned perfectly.

Get the recipe:
Instant Pot Barbacoa Beef Recipe

2. Homemade Lemongrass Beef Stew

A take on a Vietnamese classic, Bo Kho (Vietnamese beef stew), this instant pot stew may just become an instant pot classic in your kitchen. It’s one of our most popular instant pot recipes. Beef stews are known for their deeply braised beef and aromatic flavors. Traditionally they would be prepared in a clay pot that helps enrich the soup with savory and sweet flavors. However, we will use an instant pot in this recipe. Instant pots cut the cooking time for beef from hours to under an hour.

Get the recipe:
Homemade Lemongrass Beef Stew Recipe

3. Short Rib Noodle Soup

Pho, pronounced ‘fuh’,  is a hearty and comforting soup full of goodness and also has an array of health benefits. It originated in the early 20th century in Vietnam and has become a popular meal in America. The two most commonly known types are beef and chicken and served with hot broth and noodles.

Traditionally, pho is cooked with lots of beef bones, and extra veggies,  and cooks for a long period of time in order to create the rich broth and cozy blend of flavors that we all love. The great thing about making pho at home is that you can really make it your own with your choice of noodles, choice of proteins, and pile it on with lots of fresh garnishes such as basil, green onions, freshly sliced white onions, bean sprouts, and lime. 

Get the Recipe:
Homemade Short Rib Noodle Soup Recipe

4. Instant Pot Pork Carnitas Tostadas

Carnitas is a Mexican pork dish that usually uses inexpensive cuts of pork, making it an ideal ingredient for weekly meal prep. The pork is then braised or simmered for hours with seasonings until it is so tender that you can shred it with a fork. Since we want to keep meal prep quick and easy, we are going to skip the long hours of cooking the pork and take advantage of our Instant Pot and pressure cook it so that it can be ready in just a little over an hour. This is why it’s one of our most popular instant pot recipes.

Get the Recipe:
Instant Pot Pork Carnitas Tostadas

5. Instant Pot BBQ Chicken

By making your own shredded BBQ chicken in the Instant Pot, you can control your portion size and the ingredients to ensure that they are healthy. Using the Instant Pot to cook your BBQ chicken also saves a lot of time because the pressure cooking feature allows it to cook quickly and thoroughly. You can also make a large batch and freeze them in portioned containers for later use which makes it a convenient option for busy nights when you don’t have time to cook from scratch. The shredded BBQ chicken can be served in a variety of meals. We enjoy eating it with roasted vegetables, in sandwiches or wraps, or even on top of salads. You can use this protein dish in multiple meals throughout the week without getting tired of it.

Get the recipe:
Instant Pot BBQ Chicken Recipe

More about Instant Pot Meals:

  • The Instant Pot is a versatile appliance that can perform multiple cooking functions. It can function as a pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, steamer, sauté pan, yogurt maker, and even a warmer. This versatility allows you to consolidate your kitchen appliances and save space.
  • The sealed cooking environment of the Instant Pot helps retain more nutrients in the food compared to other cooking methods that involve higher heat or longer cooking times. This can be particularly beneficial for preserving the nutritional value of vegetables and delicate ingredients.
  • The Instant Pot offers consistent results in cooking, as the temperature and pressure are precisely controlled. This ensures that your meals turn out consistently delicious every time. Additionally, its programmable features allow you to set the cooking time and forget about it until it’s done, providing convenience and freeing up your time for other tasks.

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Top 10 Meal Prep Beef Recipes

Beef is a staple in every chef’s kitchen so we put together a list of our Top 10 Meal Prep Beef Recipes. Beef is a versatile protein that works well across cuisines and meal prep recipes as it reheats well and lasts in the kitchen. There are so many cuts of beef that there are endless possibilities. Beef is also a popular ingredient for meal prep as it’s easy to cook, making it a great option for cooks with less experience. It’s very forgiving and still tastes great!

Depending on how you prepare your beef, it can be very nutritious and filling. Lean beef is a great source of protein and can be a benefit to weight management as it fills you up fast without too much oil and fat. Make sure you get your ratios of beef to vegetables right and you’ll be enjoying your diet rather than dreading it.

Beef can also be very affordable. Sure steaks and different cuts can get expensive but ground beef is a great option that works in so many dishes and is very affordable.

1. Easy Beef Fajita Pasta Recipe

A comforting collision of two worlds, this fajita pasta combines traditional Mexican spices like cumin, cilantro, chili powder and paprika with a hearty and filling pasta. Sour cream (or yogurt) is added to give this pasta the creamy texture we all love in a pasta dish.

This recipe calls for flank steak but you can easily sub in chicken or shrimp if red meat isn’t your thing. You’ll cook each of these with the same process but cooking times will vary. The incredible versatility is part of why the Beef Fajita Pasta made it into our list of top 10 meal prep beef recipes. Plus it’s delicious.

Get the recipe:
Easy Beef Fajita Pasta Recipe

2. Ground Beef with Chayote Squash

This take on beef and vegetables is a good way to shake up your weekly meals. Although it uses the same ground beef as a lot of recipes, the Chayote squash and mix of spices deliver an entirely different experience from many of the recipes on this list.

Get the recipe:
Ground Beef with Chayote Squash

3. Air Fryer Beef/Steak Kebabs

Air fryer steak kebabs are such a fun and great meal that you can enjoy with friends or family. Everybody loves eating food on a stick, especially kiddos! It’s also a great way to pack flavor and healthy ingredients together on a skewer.

Kebabs are traditionally cooked on a skewer over a fire or baked in an oven so that it can roast. Roasting is one of the healthiest ways to prepare your meals because it results in minimal losses of vitamins and nutrients. Air fryer and kebabs, what’s not to like, and that’s why this recipe made it on our top 10 list of meal prep beef recipes.

Get the Recipe:
Easy Air Fryer Steak Kebabs Recipe

4. Beef Taco with Jicama Tortillas

Tacos are a classic choice for beef recipes as they’re easy to put together and so easy to make variations of. The Jicama tortillas are a great low carb alternative to flour or corn tortillas and taste just as great. If you’re craving a bit of spice in your meal prep rotation we recommend trying this version of ground beef tacos.

Get the Recipe:
Beef Taco with Jicama Tortillas

5. Thai Red Beef Curry

We love a one-pot dish and this Thai red beef curry is definitely one of our favorites. By simmering the ingredients at a lower temperature for a longer period of time, you are able to break down the beef and make it super tender. The combination of sweet and heat flavors make this seriously delicious.

Curry’s are also great because you can throw in whatever vegetables you have on hand and make this meal even more nutritious. This recipe doesn’t call it for it but we do like adding in green beans or squash if we’ve got it on hand.

Get the recipe:
How To Make Thai Red Beef Curry

6. Asian Lettuce Wraps with Beef & Fresh Basil

One of the meal prep hacks to making this dish truly tasty is by adding fresh herbs. Not only do they add a pop of color and freshness to your dish, but they also add an incredible depth of flavor. For this recipe, I highly recommend adding fresh basil to your ground beef filling. The combination of this fresh herb with the juicy ground beef and flavorful sauce is simply irresistible.

By using lettuce wraps you’re cutting out lots of calories. Plus, ground beef is a great source of protein and the addition of vegetables like bell peppers and onions adds fiber and important vitamins and minerals. And let’s not forget about the incredible flavors and textures that make this dish so satisfying.

Get the Recipe:
Asian Lettuce Wraps with Beef and Fresh Basil

7. Ground Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry

Beef and broccoli is always a popular combination and our Ground Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry recipe is healthy and affordable. This recipe works so well as a meal prep recipe as it’s portions easily, can be made in a big batch, and it’s flavorful. Follow our recipe for a healthy version of Beef & Broccoli that tastes just as good.

Broccoli normally has a strong flavor, which makes it one of the most “not so favorite veggies for many”, but adding them to this beef stir fry makes it easier to acquire a taste for it. Not to mention, the green colors really brighten up the dish giving it a great meal appeal.

Get the Recipe:
Ground Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry

8. Ground Beef Cabbage Stir Fry

Another stir fry recipe made the list. This easy ground beef meal prep dish is full of vegetables and has a lot of great flavors using simple ingredients. There are several options for vegetables that you can use for stir fry. For this recipe, we used a mix of green and red cabbage, but you can easily add more vegetables such as sliced mushrooms, shredded carrots, and green beans. This healthy stir fry option is also keto friendly and a great addition to everyone’s meal prep routine so we had to add it to our list of top 10 meal prep beef recipes.

Get the Recipe:
Ground Beef Cabbage Stir Fry

9. Instant Pot Recipe – Beef Udon Noodles

If you’re looking for a new side dish to accompany your meal prep, give udon noodles a try. Udon noodles are chewy Japanese noodles made from wheat flour, water, and salt. They are thicker than ramen and soba noodles that you often find in Asian recipes.

They are often served in a simple broth or used in stir fry recipes. The great thing about this ingredient is that you can often find them already packaged and pre-cooked in the international aisles of the grocery store. This means no cooking is required! When it comes to meal prep, you definitely want to incorporate ready to eat ingredients to cut down on prep time.

Not only are udon noodles a great alternate to rice, udon noodles can be a healthy addition to your meal prep as long as they are portioned right and portioned with a fair amount of protein and fiber.

Get the Recipe:
Instant Pot Recipe for Beef Udon Noodles

10. Sautéed Ground Beef with Kale & Squash Rice Bowl

Rice bowls are delicious and versatile meals that can literally work with any combination of proteins and vegetables. The beef, kale and squash make for a hearty, healthy flavor that is also incredibly affordable. Rice bowls are also great for meal prepping as it’s easy to portion and reheats well, making it a great weekday lunch recipe.

This recipe can work with many different vegetable combinations so it’s a great recipe when you’re down to your last groceries in the fridge.

Get the Recipe:
Sautéed Ground Beef with Kale & Squash Rice Bowl

More about Beef:

  • Versatility and Variety: Beef offers a wide range of cuts, cooking methods, and flavor profiles, making it versatile for meal prep. You can choose lean cuts like sirloin or tenderloin for healthier options or opt for fattier cuts like chuck or short ribs for more indulgent meals. You can experiment with different recipes, spices, marinades, and cooking techniques to keep your meal prep exciting and varied.
  • Batch Cooking and Freezing: Beef is well-suited for batch cooking and freezing. You can prepare larger portions of beef-based dishes like stews, chili, or meatballs and portion them into individual containers for future meals. This allows you to save time and effort by cooking in larger quantities and having ready-to-eat meals in the freezer for busy days.

When meal prepping with beef, it’s important to consider the cooking and storage requirements of different cuts to maintain their quality and safety. Additionally, it’s recommended to choose lean cuts or trim excess fat for healthier options. Overall, beef can be a valuable ingredient in meal prep, providing flavor, nutrients, and satisfaction to your pre-prepared meals.

Looking for more meal prep beef recipes? Try our entire list of beef recipes that are perfect for quick and nutritious dinners.

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Best Kitchen Tools For Meal Prepping

Meal prepping saves you a lot of time by making cooking efficient but that doesn’t mean that you won’t still be spending time in the kitchen. I spend a lot of time testing recipes, meal prepping, and cooking for others so I’m in the kitchen everyday. Having the right knives, pans, and kitchen tools at my disposal makes cooking so much easier and way more fun.

Anyone who has ever tried to cook with a dull knife or a crummy pan can tell you, the right kitchen tools are worth it. This list of the best kitchen tools for meal prepping balances out the needs of the kitchen with budget friendly, durable and effective products.

1. Knife: Wusthoff 8 Inch Chef’s Knife

 It’s pricey, but it’s important to invest in a really good knife. Most recipes are going to involve cutting proteins, vegetables or fruits and a high quality, sharp knife not only makes life easier but also keeps you safe. Most kitchen knife cuts come from dull knives that require too much force. A knife that holds an edge well, like the Wusthoff 8 Inch Chef’s knife not only holds a very sharp edge but can last you forever if you maintain it.

Wusthof is a well-respected German knife manufacturer known for producing high-quality kitchen knives. The knives are well balanced, comfortable and designed to be the best in the kitchen. If you’re only going to buy one tool for your kitchen, a knife is a great place to start.

Product Details

Price: $170 – $240

  • WÜSTHOF CLASSIC SERIES – The full Tang, Triple Riveted handles of the classic line offer the widest range of cutlery that can satisfy every home cook or professional chef. The WÜSTHOF classic series has been our best-selling series for generations
  • CHEF’S KNIFE – Features an 8” long blade, 4.5” long handle and weighs 8.5 ounce Full Bolster and Finger Guard, German Made Cook’s Knife. Ergonomic handle design made from a long-lasting synthetic material to resist fading and discoloration

Shop Wusthoff Knives

2. Cutting Board: Farberware Cutting Board

Whether or not you’re updating your kitchen knife, a good quality cutting board can help speed up cutting and cleanup. Not everything in your kitchen has to be expensive to be effective. This Farberware cutting board is a great example. We’ve had cutting boards from this brand for decades and it’s tough. The cutting board is resistant to deep cuts while still be soft enough to protect your knife. Also the juice groove works wonders when cutting proteins like chicken, avoids the messy counter clean up or contamination of your other ingredients.

The Farberware cutting boards have been around for a long time and there’s a good reason for it, they’re the best for a great price. The non slip edges of the board are a life saver when you’re cutting fast and furious. The cutting board is a medium size so it fits in most cabinets very easily, is very light but it’s still a great size for meal prepping.

Farberware Cutting Board Details

Price: $12 – $13

  • ANTIMICROBIAL: This board features an antimicrobial product protection which inhibits the growth of odor and stain-causing bacteria on the surface of the cutting board only This product does not protect users or others against food-borne bacteria. Always clean and wash this product thoroughly before and after each use
  • REVERSIBLE AND SLIP RESISTANT: This cutting board is reversible for double the cutting surface and features a hand hole and non-slip trim for added control and stability

Shop Farberware Cutting Boards

3. Measuring Cups: Farberware Pro Stainless Steel

Meal prepping goes hand in hand with portioning and batches. Being able to size up or size down recipes as well as create balanced meals that are broken up into multiple servings is extremely important. This is especially important if as you work on your nutrition and balancing your nutrients in every meal. Some of the best kitchen tools for meal prepping will be your measuring cups. You’ll use them in almost every recipe and serving measurement so getting a good set early is worth it. The quality of the Farberware Pro Stainless Steel Measuring Cup set is fantastic and I put them through their paces every day. They’re easy to clean and look gorgeous.

Farberware Pro Stainless Steel Measuring Cups

Price: $28-$30

  • SET INCLUDES: 4 measuring cups (1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup, 1 cup) and 5 measuring spoons (1/4 tsp, 1/2 tsp, 1 tsp, 1/2 tbsp, and 1 tbsp)
  • EASY TO USE: measurements engraved right into the handles–won’t wash or wear off
  • DURABLE: stainless steel construction withstands rigorous everyday use
  • EASY TO STORE: the cups and spoons nest, taking up less space when stored, and both come with a handy ring, keeping all the pieces neatly together

Shop the Farberware Pro Stainless Steel Measuring Cup Set

4. Casserole Dish: Pyrex Bakeware 2 Quart

The faithful casserole dish can last some people decades so it’s worth it to get a good one. Plus casserole dishes tend to get used a lot and are subjected to a lot of high temperatures so getting a quality Pyrex dish is a good option. There are a lot of more expensive casserole dishes out there but for the majority of people, a Pyrex dish will everything you need it to do, last forever and cook food very well. What more do you need? Meal prepping in general uses many baking recipes since baking can take a while and can produce a lot of food so it makes sense to make an entire week’s lunches in one casserole dish. It’s convenient and because it’s baked, more often, it’s healthier.

Pyrex casserole dishes are also great during clean up. They’re so easy to soak and scrub without worrying about damaging the material. These dishes will save you so much time.

Pyrex Glass Casserole Dish

Price: $13-$18

  • HOUSEHOLD ESSENTIAL: The Pyrex Easy Grab casserole dish offers high-quality durability and reliability. Tempered glass and large handles help bring stability and safety when handling hot food or any spillable meal.
  • INTUITIVE DESIGN: The Pyrex bakeware set has wide handles that help secure a firm grip to avoid slips and spills. This is the ideal tool for baking and serving all manner of dishes and entertaining. Product dimensions are 9-in x 7.25-in x 2.75-in.
  • EVERYDAY USE: High-quality non-pourous glass gives you a peace of mind when storing your food, resisting stains, flavors and odors. Durable tempered glass is also dishwasher, freezer, microwave and preheated oven safe.

Shop for Pyrex casserole dishes

5. Metal Sheet Pan: Farberware Bakeware Nonstick Pans

Metal sheet pans for the oven don’t have to be fancy but good quality pans will last longer, resist rusting, and provide a better bake. Just like with the casserole dish, metal oven pans can be used for so many recipes when meal prepping. Having a good set like the Farberware nonstick pans 4 set, can make life much easier. It’ll also make clean up much easier.

Sheet pans can be very versatile and used for a wide range of cooking techniques, cuisines and meal types. Go from roasting vegetables to baking some brownies. These sheet pans are some of the best kitchen tools for meal prepping.

Farberware Bakeware Steel Nonstick Oven Pan 4 Set

Price: $21 – $24

  • PFOA-FREE NONSTICK: Long-lasting nonstick on these baking trays promotes excellent food release and easy cleanup when making pizzas, cookies or even small casseroles. No Rolled Edges
  • HIGH HEAT TOASTER OVEN READY: The toaster oven pans in this 4-piece pizza, cake, and cookie tray set are oven safe in toaster or conventional ovens to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • PRODUCT DETAILS: Farberware 57775 Bakeware Nonstick Toaster Oven Pan Set, Includes Two 10-Inch x 7-Inch Cookie Trays – 10″ L x 7″ W (interior)/ 10.8″ x 7.5″ (exterior), one 10-Inch x 7-Inch Cake Pan – 10″ L x 7″ W (interior)/ 10.8″ x 7.5″ (exterior), one 7-Inch Pizza Pan – 7″ L x 7″ x W (interior)/ 7.5″ x 7.5″ (exterior). Steel Construction.

Shop for Farberware Nonstick Oven Pans

6. Stovetop Pan: Cuisinart Stainless Steel

One of the best kitchen tools for meal prepping is the trusty stove top pan. I cook so many meals on the stove top as it’s versatile, easy to gauge and most importantly, more fun. You can do so much with the food while it’s cooking on the stove top. Starting with butter and garlic before adding the other ingredients, adding spices as you go or even finishing off the cook in the oven. Cuisinart’s Stainless Steel Saute Pan is one the essential pans in the kitchen, in my opinion. It has lasted me over a decade and has been one of the most fun kitchen tools to cook with.

Cuisinart pans with high edges can saute or cook soup, or just help keep you cleaner. The pans are quick to clean and light for their size.

Cuisinart Stainless Steel Saute Pan

Price: $60 – $70

  • EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN: The 5.5-Quart Saute Pan with Helper Handle and Flavor Lock Lid has straight high sides and a flat cooking surface to maximise capacity. Measurement markings provide you with ease of use every time with Drip-Free pouring
  • COOKING AND CLEANING: Experience professional performance with an aluminum encapsulated base that heats quickly and spreads heat evenly, eliminating any hot spots. The cooking surface does not discolor, react with food or alter flavors, providing professional results. Dishwasher safe.

Shop Cuisinart’s Stainless Steel Pan Set

7. Colander: Collapsible Colander from WYOK

Not your ordinary strainer, but a newer version. This one is great, you can rinse fruit/vegetables in it, drain pasta, and use it as a drying rack! Colanders are not most people’s first thought when considering the best kitchen tools for meal prepping but a good colander is a life saver. Anyone who has ever struggled with draining a pan without spilling or burning yourself knows what I mean. Colanders may not get used as often as a pan or a knife but when you need it to work there are not many alternatives that work nearly as well.

This collapsible colander from WYOK is cool too. It’s convenient for many different sinks as well as easier to handle when you have two hands on a hot pot and are trying not to knock over your colander as you pour the food you just made into it.

Collapsible colander from WYOK

Price: $12 – $15

  • EXPANDABLE COLANDER: The colander can be expanded from 14.2 inches to 19.5 inches to fit for sinks of different sizes and hold more food and fruits.
  • LARGE CAPACITY & VERSATILE: 5-quart capacity to hold and drain everything like spaghetti, pasta, potatoes, broccoli, green beans, carrots, spinach and other veggies.
  • SPACE SAVING: The expandable body design make it very convenient to store in any kitchen drawer, cabinet or drying tray without taking up too much space.
  • HIGH QUALITY & DURABLE: The colander is made of high quality material. It is BPA free and dishwasher safe. Heat-Resistant up to 230° F/ 110°C. Heavy-duty designed could make it repeatedly work well.

Shop for the Collapsible Colander from WYOK

8. Oven Mitts: Kitchenaid Oven Mitts

Oven mitts can be a very personal preference type of kitchen tool. What everyone is comfortable with when dealing with hundreds of degrees of heat and heavy and hot pans, can be very different. I have found through all of my different oven mitts through the years that the Kitchenaid mini oven mitts gave me the best grip and heat protection without being annoying to get off after use. I still have my decorative mitts hanging up but when I’m cooking, I’m going for the mitts that I can trust. It’s too easy to drop a casserole dish of molten hot food and have a very bad day.

Kitchenaid Mini Oven Mitts

Price: $13-$20

  • Cotton
  • HEAT RESISTANT COTTON – Made of 100 percent durable, heat-resistant cotton, these oven mitts will help shield your hands from heat up-to 302 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • SILICONE PRINT GRIPS – Textured, heart-shaped silicone grips ensure a more secure hold when handling hot cookware.
  • SET OF TWO – Protect both hands while handling hot pots and pans. Set includes two (2) Kitchen Aid Asteroid Mini Mitts in gray, 5.5″ W x 8″ L.

Shop for Kitchenaid Mini Oven Mitts

9. Utensils: Spatula, Stirring Spoon and Whisk

Last but certainly not least is all of the spatulas, stirring spoons and whisks that’ll need as you meal prep. The best kitchen tools for meal prepping can’t be complete without them. There are a lot of good utensils out there but I have found this set to be a great choice for how effective they are, easy to clean, and they look good which can be important if they hang on the walls or are otherwise visible when not cooking.

I have especially found that whisks are a tricky utensil and finding a good one can help a lot, especially when it comes time to clean it. I like to cook with silicone, because it can handle high heat, doesn’t scratch pans, and is easy to clean. Specific brands are less important with utensils, just make sure they’re good quality silicone and you should be good.

silicone utensils

Utensil Set

Price: $27 – $35

  • HEAT-RESISTANT, NON-MELTING, WOODEN HANDLE – The silicone cooking utensils can withstand temperatures up to 446°F, even if they are used in a high-temperature frying environment, they will not melt or produce smoke. The wooden handle feels comfortable prevents heat transfer, so you don’t have to worry about scalding the chef’s hands. These cooking utensils set is a good gift choice for mom. Note: Each handle has a slightly different color and texture
  • SAFE, BPA FREE, FOOD GRADE SILICONE, ODORLESS – The kitchen utensil set are made of high quality food grade silicone.BPA free. no harmful smell. Note: It must be soaked for half an hour when it is used for the first time, and then exposed to the air for about 3 hours, the original smell of silica gel will disappear. The silicone cooking utensil is safe to use for any type of food. These kitchen utensil set does not react with food or beverages

Shop silicone utensils

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Top 10 Meal Prep Chicken Recipes

balsamic chicken salad

Chicken is an amazingly versatile and healthy ingredient with a delicious flavor so we pulled our top 10 meal prep chicken recipes into a convenient list. Our chicken recipes come from many cuisines to provide a ton of variety, with easy cooking instructions. Don’t know where to start or getting fatigued on your current meal plan, discover some of the top rated Prep Yo Self meal prep chicken recipes.

1. Sheet Pan Chicken Meatballs W/ Brussel Sprouts

Chicken meatballs are a meal prepping wonder and a fantastic addition to any chef’s arsenal of easy to prep items. These juicy, healthy, and freezer friendly balls of goodness paired with our balsamic brussel sprouts will have you coming back time and time again.

Get the recipe:
Sheet Pan Chicken Sausage Meatballs

2. Caribbean Chicken And Rice In The Oven

This chicken and rice recipe adds an island flair using Caribbean spices such as allspice and cayenne pepper. It is served on top of turmeric-infused rice pilaf with sautéed aromatics such as onions, bell peppers, and minced garlic.

And my favorite part of the dish is pairing it with diced pineapple. The sweet and tart flavors of the pineapple pair well the savory and spicy flavors of the Caribbean species.

Get the recipe:
Caribbean Chicken and Rice

3. Chicken Fried Chicken With Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

There isn’t a dish that screams comfort meal more than our crispy homemade chicken fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy. This southern classic serves up all the flavor, is quick to make, and can easily be doubled or tripled to feed a crowd. You might be asking yourself “what is chicken fried chicken?”, if that’s the case, you’ve missed out on life until now. Chicken fried chicken is not much different than regular fried chicken, in fact the battering process is the same. However, chicken fried chicken uses a thinner, boneless cut of meat than a traditional fried piece of chicken and is typically served with a gravy. Using a thinner slice of chicken allows for more golden crispy outside to chicken inside per bite, yum!

Get the Recipe:
Chicken Fried Chicken With Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

4. Air Fryer Chicken Teriyaki Recipe

Our Air Fryer Teriyaki Chicken recipe is the perfect mix of a sticky and sweet sauce coupled with deliciously crispy and healthy fried chicken. We use chicken thighs in this air fryer recipe but you could easily adjust to chicken breast or wings if you’d like. Our chicken teriyaki marinade is made up of classic Asian flavors like soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and honey. All of which combine to provide the perfect teriyaki taste for your dish.

We’ve paired our teriyaki chicken with one of our favorite sautéed bok choy recipes, that is loaded with minerals and vitamins. Most notably Bok Choy is high in Vitamin C, K and A. This antioxidant rich vegetable may also reduce your risk of heart disease, fights inflammation and has anti-cancer properties.

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Air Fryer Chicken Teriyaki Recipe

5. Cajun Chicken with Butternut Squash Spirals

Cajun chicken is a delicious protein for any meal but mixed with butternut squash spirals, corn and mushrooms you have a flavorful, nutritious meal that is quick to make and affordable. This is a perfect meal prep recipe as it can be made in small batches and reheats very well. Also the Cajun flavor is just as strong days later.

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Cajun Chicken with Butternut Squash Spirals

6. Soba Noodle Chicken Stir Fry

Our soba noodle chicken stir fry is a great option if you’re at home and craving a Chinese food delivery. This recipe comes together faster than you can list all of the delivery restaurants in your area. But seriously, you can whip this up in under twenty minutes. It’s also loaded with vegetables and protein that make the dish a healthy alternative to add into your clean eating routine.

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Soba Noodle Chicken Stir Fry

7. Balsamic Baked Chicken With Zucchini

This tasty chicken lunch meal prep is baked in a sweet and savory honey mustard marinade and served on top of a fresh spring mix salad. This budget-friendly sheet pan chicken recipe uses everyday ingredients for the marinade and cooks up fast.

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Balsamic Baked Chicken Recipe With Zucchini

8. Oven Baked Balsamic Chicken with Strawberries

Our juicy and tender balsamic chicken is a fan favorite and can be thrown together in a matter of minutes, giving you time to enjoy time with your family or catch up on your favorite tv show. Served alongside zucchini and roasted cherry tomatoes that will have your mouth bursting with flavor, this dish is sure to please even the pickiest of taste buds.

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Oven Baked Balsamic Chicken with Strawberries

9. Curry Chicken with Green Beans

Curry chicken is perfect for meal prep chicken recipes and can be paired with so many sides and vegetables. Green beans are a great choice as they can provide a bit of snap to each bite and the flavors marry well with the curry. This flavorful meal can be made in a large batch and portioned out into lunch or dinners for the entire week.

curry chicken - meal prep chicken recipe

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Curry Chicken with Green Beans

10. Roasted Lemon Italian Chicken with Rutabaga

We love roasted chicken thighs because they are juicy, flavorful, and so simple to make. They go really well with almost any kind of roasted vegetables such as broccoli, asparagus, bell peppers, and your classic roasted potatoes. For this recipe, we wanted to highlight the underrated rutabaga vegetable.

roasted chicken and rutabaga - meal prep chicken recipe

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Roasted Lemon Italian Chicken

More about chicken:

  • Cuts: Chicken is available in different cuts, each with its own characteristics. Common cuts include boneless, skinless chicken breasts, thighs, drumsticks, wings, and whole chickens. Each cut offers unique flavors and textures, allowing for diverse culinary creations.
  • Lean Protein: Chicken is a good source of lean protein, which is essential for muscle growth and repair. It contains all the essential amino acids required by the body, making it a nutritious choice for individuals seeking a protein-rich diet.
  • Health Benefits: Chicken, particularly skinless breast meat, is relatively low in fat, particularly saturated fat, and cholesterol. It also contains important vitamins and minerals, such as niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, iron, and zinc. Choosing lean cuts and healthy cooking methods can make chicken a healthy addition to balanced meals.

Looking for more meal prep chicken recipes? Try our entire list of chicken recipes that are perfect for quick and nutritious dinners.

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Top 10 Meal Prep Recipes To Lose Weight

glass meal prep containers filled with chicken meatball lettuce wraps - meal prepping in batches

We rounded up some of our favorite meal prep recipes to help you achieve your weight loss goals. As you know, we are firm believers in meal prepping. It’s such a great way to ensure you have healthy and nutritious meals that are ready to eat when you’re busy on the go or just help you avoid last-minute splurges on takeout or fast food. Here are some of the top meal prep recipes to help with weight loss.

1. Grilled Italian Chicken with Green Beans and Almonds

Marinating our meats adds flair and keeps them juicy during the cooking process. We use premade salad dressings as a meal prep hack. This dish is high in protein and served with a healthy side of green beans and almonds. Protein and fiber can help you stay full longer which can aid in weight loss.

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2. Sausage Egg Muffins with Strawberries

This breakfast meal prep is high in protein and also carb friendly. Protein helps you stay full longer. The already portioned-out egg muffins are also an easy way to bring with you on the go. You can make large batches and freeze the rest for later.

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3. Oven Baked Apple with Ricotta and Walnuts

If you need something to satisfy your sweet tooth, then, this next dish on our list top meal prep recipes is a healthy way to satisfy those taste buds. You can enjoy it for breakfast, as a snack, or even for dessert. Fruits are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and can help satisfy your sweet tooth without adding a lot of extra calories to your diet. This is an easy dish you bake in the oven in less than 20 minutes.

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4. Cinnamon Toast Quinoa Crunch with Strawberries

Quinoa is not just for savory dishes and salads, it can also be a healthy breakfast alternative to oatmeal or cereal. It’s a sweet and nutty recipe that can help you start your day off with some great nutrients. It’s high in protein, contains high fiber, and is easy to digest. You can make a big batch and save the rest for later.

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5. Citrus Ginger Salmon and Beet Salad

This is a refreshing salad that is full of healthy ingredients that can help you power through your day. It’s the perfect lunch meal prep because you can bake everything in the oven and have everything ready in less than 15 minutes. And if you are cooking for one, use the Air Fryer and it will cook in less time.

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6. Ground Beef Broccoli Stir Fry

Stir fry is such a great healthy way to meal prep. You can incorporate lots of vegetables, use minimal fat, and it comes out tasting so good. We used lean ground beef, broccoli, and bell peppers for this recipe. You can serve it with steamed rice, noodles, or even in a lettuce wrap.

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7. Oven Baked Honey Mustard Glazed Chicken Salad

This is a great meal prep recipe for weight loss because it uses pantry-friendly ingredients and is low-calorie. Everything is cooked on a sheet pan in an oven, and it is also budget-friendly and saves you money during the week. 

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8. Easy Air Fryer Steak Kebabs

Making Kebabs is such a fun and healthy way to meal prep. Everything is portioned out. You can make a high-protein meal with lots of veggies and cooking it in the Air Fryer allows you to be hands-free.

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9. Breakfast Yogurt Recipes

Yogurt can be high in protein and low in sugar. Top it off with fruit and nuts can provide a delicious and filling breakfast or snack that can help you lose weight. Adding nuts and seeds that are high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber can help you keep feeling full and satisfied.

10. Breakfast Egg Frittata Recipes

Last but not least in our top 10 meal prep recipes to help you lose weight., baking eggs is such a great meal prep hack for losing weight. They are easy to make, you can customize them with your own ingredients, and they are low-calorie. Since they are high in protein they will help keep you full and help you start off your day with some great energy.

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